All they need to thrive is adequate light, and a good watering every couple of weeks. never heard of it till a month or so ago; saw 3 in kroger store and picked one up. Enough so that it is stable and doesn’t wobble around. Insert the end of each leaf, where it was cut, partially into a pot to which you’ve added a special potting mix. Symptoms of ZZ plant toxicity include irritation to the affected area and stomach upset if consumed. You will have an outstandingly well-draining potting mix as a result. Zamioculcas zamiifolia, commonly known as Zanzibar Gem, ZZ Plant, Eternity Plant, or Emerald Palm, is the only species of flowering plants from the Zamioculcas genus in the Araceae family. It tolerates low light conditions just fine. By manipulating a few variables in your plant care routine, you can effectively promote or discourage your ZZ Plant from producing new growth. Water very lightly and place the pot in a warm location with bright indirect light. You can keep them in the same pot for about more than 3 years. After watering it thoroughly, I will wait pretty much until all of the soil is completely dry. no comments yet. This especially applies if your ZZ is chugging along nicely and putting out lots of new growth. Most standard potting mixes should be sufficient for your ZZ plant. ZZs prefer temperatures between 65°F-75°F, a common range found in many households. You don't know how the plant was treated before you purchased it, so do your best to provide the conditions that it likes and you should be good! ZZ plants grow relatively slowly, so they can take a few years to reach their full height. During the growing season, you can use a diluted general houseplant fertilizer once a month or so. Be sure you don't place them in too much direct sun though...but it sounds like whatever you are doing to your plant is working well :-). Thank you for your very informative blog (website). But if you are a forgetful waterer, this is one of the best plants that you can grow! ZZ plant is one of the toughest and easiest to grow houseplants. Replant the ZZ plant into a pot with sufficient drainage holes. Promptly take it out of its pot and repot it. There is also a skylight right above the kitchen table. share. Zamioculcas plants are perennials that can be found in the tropical regions of eastern Africa, from north-eastern South Africa to southern Kenya. ZZ plants should be repotted only once they have outgrown their previous potting container. I'm glad you enjoy my sites :-). The ZZ plant fills up the space where it grows without overwhelming your favorite tablescape. Any suggestions on pot size? Growth Zones. Take care and thanks for commenting! Never let this plant sit in water for extended periods of time, otherwise it may quickly rot. 0 comments. Propagation by division is the simplest way to create more ZZ plants—simply separate the rhizomes the next time you repot your ZZ plant and plant in a separate container. That is, if your plant even needs a bigger pot now. Zamioculcas zamiifolia (more commonly known as the ZZ plant) is one of the most hardy plants around and perfect for any brown thumb or new plant parent. I just received my ZZ, actually last week. It’s a rhizome plant, so it generally spreads via the roots. It tolerates low light conditions just fine. Commonly called ZZ plant, Zamioculcas zamiifolia is sometimes also called aroid palm. ZZ plants will tolerate a great amount of neglect when it comes to watering. Also called the Zanzibar Gem or Zulu Plant, ZZ’s are a highly resilient plant with origins in the arid climates of Eastern and Southern Africa. For the potting mix, you can use about half seed starting potting mix (or even a normal all-purpose potting mix if that’s what you have on hand) and half perlite. About 1/3 of the leaf or so should be in the potting mix. Most literature says that ZZ plants grow slowly, but this is not my experience! They do like a little sunlight to some extent for sure! This is really one of the few plants that can tolerate those conditions. When you take a cutting of your ZZ Plant, it will grow a new rhizome and roots. I'm glad you enjoyed the blog post! Promptly take it out of its pot and repot it. Remove any rotten roots and pot it up into a pot that is appropriate for the size of the root ball. As with most houseplants, it is usually a good idea to wait until the spring or summer to repot ZZ plants as they will be better able to tolerate disturbances during the active growing period. Nailed my plant to the wall. The ZZ plant is an easy to grow and care for indoor plant that displays small glossy leaves on stems which can grow up to 3 ft long indoors. Water them occasionally and be patient. Just make sure your pruners are clean & sharp before you do any pruning. no comments yet. Because it … When you see a plant tag that says “low light,” it doesn’t necessarily mean that the plant NEEDS low light. Was thinking maybe there is a post dedicated to it? At one time all were considered to be different species due to their growth forms and size, but in the past few years aroid botanists have determined they are all one species. The planting of ZZ Plant in the pot, or more precisely the transplanting, takes place after the first spring wave of new growth, ie from mid-March and / or April – for the colder areas – being the most suitable season. 100% Upvoted. ZZ Plant Care. I know someone who only waters her giant ZZ plant once a month and it grew to monstrous proportions. Then just wait! I like to use a cactus and succulent mix for these plants, but I also will mix in additional coarse perlite or pumice. As a general rule of thumb, only go up one pot size from where you are currently at. This plant is best grown in temperature ranges of 65F-80F (about 18C-27C). Size. Has your plant possibly been sitting in water for extended periods of time? Water occasionally when the potting mix gets too dry. It's no wonder why. Nailed my plant to the wall. Those of you that follow me on Instagram (@ohiotropics) know my stance on watering.
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