Write short and simple sentences in active voice. GDPR help for small businesses Since May 2018 small businesses need to be GDPR compliant. Plain language strives to be easy to read, understand, and use. Laws. United States Government (n.d.) ‘Use simple words and phrases’, Plain language, plainlanguage.gov, accessed 22 September 2020. How to write in plain English (PDF, 78KB) The A-Z of alternative words (PDF, 177KB) Glossaries. We have updated most of our guides, and added a new category of plain English grammar guides (September 2009). End the plain language summary with the full title of the study and the author list; the author affiliations are not required. Learn who your audience is and what they need, and write for them. Instead, medical, research, or legal concepts and phrases that must be included in a communication should be explained within the document or in a separate document that defines the complex terms in clear, understandable ways. It includes how information is organized and displayed within a space, such as the use of white space, fonts, 'active' instead of 'passive' voice … Define the Purpose of Your Written Document 3. The following guidelines can assist in drafting documents in plain language: Use short sentences. Be clear and concise. Plain Language Association International (PLAIN) is the international association for plain language supporters and practitioners around the world. 140 141 142 6. Guidelines for Digital Features 5 Guide to the platforms on which Adis digital features can be hosted Figshare: Figshare is a website dedicated to hosting supplementary material and digital features associated with an original article. We, at FDA, are committed to writing new documents in plain language using the Federal Plain Language Guidelines. Plain language is not unprofessional writing or a method of "dumbing down" or "talking down" to the reader. Start the page with a plain language title, i.e. Steps to take. Writing plain language summaries have many benefits for authors—they’re good for sharing outside of scientific circles and can be helpful for fellow scientists who may not be in your field and are unfamiliar with your particular type of jargon. Cut unnecessary words; Use short, everyday words; Avoid jargon; Use the active voice; Write in short sentences; Avoid repeating the page topic too often; Use the present tense . The following guidelines present nine principles associated with effective written communication that you can refer to when creating and revising documents: 1. Plain language and word choice; Sentences; Types of words; Voice and tone; Help us improve the Style Manual. Plain language makes it easier for everyone to understand and use health information. Use plain words Don't use jargon or specialized language that your reader might not understand. Is it obvious who and what the page is for? It should not be confused with an oversimplified, condescending style. Guidelines and pilot. Only use the abbreviations, contractions, acronyms and initialisms that the user understands. Follow: Twitter; Facebook ; Email notification; Note. plain language guide to new jersey’s executive branch ethics standards revised june 2014 Plain language is not unprofessional writing or a method of "dumbing down" or "talking down" to the reader.. Please include paragraph breaks. Use plain language. Plain Language at NIH. The purpose of a plain-language approach in written communication is to convey information easily and unambiguously. Latest news:-2020 plain English awards You can view our plain English awards for 2020. What is plain language? Only Include Important and Directly Relevant Information 4. We need your help to comply with The Plain Writing Act! Writing that is clear and to the point helps improve communication and takes less time to read and understand. General guides. It shows the related clause in Clear writing tells the reader exactly what the reader needs to know without using unnecessary words or expressions. The result of the PLWG’s efforts is the Plain Language Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) guidance document which should be used as a supplement to the Plain Language Guide published in July 2008. General guidance . Tasmanian Government Communications (2012) Plain language in communication: guide, Tasmanian Government Communications website, accessed 19 November 2019. The Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) put together these federal guidelines to help implement the Plain Language Act of 2010. There is text in brackets next to many of the titles in the guidelines. Language; Whether the reader predominantly speaks first, second or third language of the language in which the document is drafted will influence how easily the document is understood. What does this mean? Plain language does not mean removing key technical terms. Although plain language is a familiar idea, many organizations don’t use it as often as they should. Plain language guidelines have been developed to assist in re-drafting modern awards. PLAIN developed and continue to revise The Federal Plain Language Guidelines to provide updated advice on clear communication. Present tense sentences are short and engaging. The drafting style will have to be adapted accordingly. Use clear, descriptive page titles. The Commission conducted a pilot to create a plain language exposure draft of the Pharmacy Industry Award 2010 (the Pharmacy Award) that was simpler and easier for employees and employers to understand than the current Pharmacy Award.. Plain language overhead codes are recommended for the following situations, incidents or events, and their subsequent response: x Active shooter x Hostage situation x Armed violent intruder x Facility evacuation x Plant facility system alert (e.g., generator failure, etc.) It’s an indicator to show you the sort of language that confuses users. Victorian Law Reform Commission (2017) Plain English and the law: the 1987 report republished, … Refer to the plain language section of 18F’s Content Guide for general guidance, lists of words to avoid, and links to plain-language resources. View Plain Language Guidelines Related Resources: Plain Writing Act of 2010 Plain Writing Basics Plain Language Web … Learn how to apply plain language principles in general, legal and government writing. Plain language helps readers quickly and easily understand your message. PLAIN developed and continues to revise The Federal Plain Language Guidelines to provide updated advice on clear communication. Plain language: Plain language is a clear writing style designed to be easy to read and understand by the intended audience. Keep Sentences and Paragraphs Short 6. At CDC, we use plain language, not just plain writing. The way companies communicate with their users, and how they handle and process the information they hold … The list is not exhaustive. Use Simple Language 5. 139 Avoid overwhelming the reader with too much information. We can translate your simple document from one of six languages into plain English. simple graphs) to convey critical concepts. guidelines for the use of housing co-op members and managers. research and national guidelines. Plain Language Summaries should be around 250 words in length. Plain language makes information easier to find, read and understand. Writing that is clear and to the point helps improve all communication as it takes less time to read and comprehend. Senior Agency Official. The Toolkit for Making Written Material Clear and Effective is a health literacy resource from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Official Publications from the U.S. Government Publishing Office. It includes how information is organized and displayed within a space, such as the use of white space, fonts, 'active' instead of 'passive' voice for instructions, design elements, and colour. Here are 10 simple ways, with examples, to be plain. ; This can be further supported by: If such words must be used, add clear language 137 to define them 138 Use visuals (e.g. Plain language is just as important when we speak as when we write. In this section. Plain language is grammatically correct language that includes complete sentence structure and accurate word usage. As shown below, this 11-part Toolkit provides a detailed and comprehensive set of tools to help you make written material in printed formats easier for people to read, understand, and use. Plain English is the whole ethos of GOV.UK: it’s a way of writing. As you’re writing, consider the tech literacy level of your target audience. It avoids verbose, convoluted language and jargon.In many countries, laws mandate that public agencies use plain language to increase access to programs and services. Define technical terms that may be unfamiliar, and use a product or service’s full name before using its acronym or abbreviation. Hyperlinks to writing resources will open in a new tab. Did you find this page useful? update to the Plain Language Guide published in July 2008. When people understand what they read, they need fewer explanations and make fewer mistakes. The guidelines explain how the Federal Co-operative Housing (ILM) Program works a co-op’s rights and duties under its operating agreement with Canada Mortgage and Housing (CMHC). If the digital feature is hosted on Figshare, the hyperlink to the Plain Language at NIH external icon National Institutes of Health NIH has established the Clear Communication initiative that focuses on achieving health literacy objectives. The Department of Defense is committed to writing new documents in plain language, using the Federal Plain Language Guidelines in accordance with the Office Management and Budget Memorandum M_11-15, "Final Guidance on Implementing the Plain Writing Act of 2010." If you have to use a specialized term, explain briefly what it means, in parentheses. We hope that you will find these new guides useful. CDC follows the federal plain language guidelines external icon and uses the Clear Communication Index to assess and improve our public communication materials. Plain Language Clear and Simple, Public Works and Government Services Canada (reprinted 2003) Plain Language Association International Plain Language, Please! 13 Plain Language 13.01 Introduction. a simplified title that explains briefly the subject of the study or summary. Plain language is writing designed to ensure the reader understands as quickly, easily, and completely as possible. Choose the words that are familiar to the user. It saves people and government time and money and improves the accessibility of your content. Make It … A to Z of financial terms (PDF, 85KB) A to Z of legal phrases (PDF, 337KB) Specifically the PLWG was asked to identify additional lessons learned and smart practices related to plain language. The Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) is a community of federal employees dedicated to the idea that citizens deserve clear communications from the government. Plain language guidelines Know your audience. Readability and use of plain language Our growing network includes members from over 30 countries working in clear communication in at least 15 languages. Use a Plain Language Approach to Communications 2. Plain language: Plain language is a clear writing style designed to be easy to read and understand by the intended audience.
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