Gaea’s eyes opened and she drew in a breath through her nose, almost throwing me off of it. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. He can control peoples blood. We’d definitely had some fun times here, if your definition of fun included freeing death, almost being eaten by earth, fighting a ghost army, and me nearly taking a permanent swimming vacation. “What is it?” inquired Nico. Where are you? Hey Guys! My face screwed up as I realized how stupid and reckless Gaea’s plot had made me act. After the giant war, my life started on a steady incline. Luckily, he wasn’t about to kill anyone but he did wound Jason and almost sent Frank barreling into an approaching hellhound trying to keep away. I was mindbreakingly depressed. Cloudflare Ray ID: 629b495c1dd40bfd Whatever! And now Gaea would be marching on Olympus with a squadron of demons and monsters and who everyone thought was the ‘Hero of Olympus.’ I was completely cut off here in the land beyond the gods, without a single soul who wanted to rescue me. This story is from and was written by Wisegirl6. “Where could Percy be?” Piper asked to no one  in particular. That night, however, as I entered my cabin I felt like someone was watching me. I am leaving your stupid excuse for a camp for my mistress, Gaea. “Don’t strain yourself,” Piper charmspoke. That’s when the pieces slid into place. I did a quick turn, using my heightened reflexes to scan the shadows around me. “The eight will probably be all of us,” started Annabeth. I saw Annabeth, Nico, Jason, Grover, Piper, Leo, Frank and Hazel running toward me. What? Okay, so we did have an entire legion of fighters, but not all of them would want to go out of their way to save me. “Go and never bother the demigods again, you fiend!”. inspired by your lips, my lips (apocalypse) - a god!percy au in which percy uses some of his godly powers to really spice things up * Percy grins, and he tugs at the bra’s various straps a few more times before he gets frustrated and vanishes it from existence altogether. “Then how come Percy’s signal is fuzzy, like Grover said?” Nico asked. “I only left a note describing in excruciating detail how much you hated the entirety of the camp and Olympus.”, An almost inhuman roar escaped my mouth as I tried to make a lunge for her. “Oh, is little Perseus upset?” she mocked. We covered miles and miles in less than a night, cities and oceans blurring beneath us. The Double fought like a madman; hacking and slicing at whatever came into reach. Grover looked almost as bad. It began taking shape, chunks building up and sliding into place until there was a perfect copy of me staring back at me. Zeus kicked Percy and he flew into a tree. My hair was brown with frozen blood and the rags I used to call clothes were so brightly red that it almost hurt to look at them. It’s a perfect place to hide him.” I put my hand in my pocket nervously to find a drachma. “Now we all have to be ashamed because we believed it. I slid across the ice over to the chest. To me, every sound was another one of Gaea’s earthborn coming to bring me even closer to death. I tried to stand, but I couldn’t, I fell hard on the ice before I was even crouching and everything went dark. Keep that up and people will start to think your pregnant." “Percy, no,” I whispered. And neither was the monster. “Thank you Lord Protogonus but I believe that I am Greek so I also thank you Lord Phanes,” Percy spoke. "Oh, all right!" No one else spoke, clearly wanting to hear Artemis' answer. “Let me show you something else now.” Gaea waved her hand and the image warped again, becoming the Olympian throne room. After falling into Tartarus Percy grew to a new power. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. What if Bianca had lived, and Percy hadn't? Pedestrians screamed and caused panic as they ran to find shelter from the marching army. Stones and mud and chunks of clay too. That place is in Alaska, beyond the gods’ powers. I looked up, both eyes almost swollen shut. As simple as life has become for Percy, living in a larger tank and finally having a trainer he can get along with, he knows better than to hope it'll stay this way. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. “Percy!”. “No! We took off through the night sky and over the sleeping camp. Perfect for making an unseen getaway. She was absolutely beautiful. Soon he was nothing more than a black speck amongst the clouds. The little snake went after Annabeth. I couldn’t stand the thought of everyone I loved believing that I had betrayed them. I spun, frantically searching my pockets for Riptide, my ever-faithful sword, only to find it wasn’t there. “It’s a girl” Doctor Heather told us and then printed off a picture of her. I added. My girlfriend didn’t want to kill me, no matter how evil I turned out to be. this one:"Chapter 1: Betrayal and a New Life PERCY’S P.O.V. But I just couldn’t, my mind kept wandering back to that bad feeling steadily growing in the pit of my stomach. Feb 24, 2021 (1 Week Later) This is a one-on-one lemon shot of Percy Jackson and Hera. And he is not being swayed by the pretty pop-star who scratched his car. "No, I love it!" “Maybe he’s closer to home than we think,” suggested Hazel. This was never about any favour, she had just wanted me in her possession. Rated M for gore and graphic rape scenes. Of course, I assure you that its nothing dangerous,” she purred. “Hey,” I said. “Hello Jackson,” he said, brandishing a whip in my face. How intelligent of you to realize that.” The goddess’ voice was mocking and her smile was sinister. It was a whip drenched in lemon juice. A fun and amazing best friend, ditched him for a better person. an earthborn wielding a long, sharpened spear turned around. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The monsters had never really left, they were just waiting for my command.”, I knew now that I had no way out. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Not now. A/N: Lemons! She didn’t even make it to the end of the note.” The goddess chuckled disapprovingly. “We went on our first quest there, before we all met. “It’s not okay, Percy,” she said, still crying. Not even my daredevil pegasus would tempt fate in such a blatant way. "I didn't mean to," Artemis said sheepishly. But just as Conner said that, Luke turned really pail. After I had stayed with Percy, Jason the same with Piper and Jason and I had little stands in the woods. I had an idea. A traitor. I weakly nodded. Everything, for the first time in years, was finally peaceful. “Hello there,” he said in a voice just like mine. Little Percy by random_girl_4life. ­­­­­­­ At Artemis’ words, the entire group of hunters suddenly wavered, and nearly dropped their bows, but in the end still kept it level at Percy’s face. The Double had cropped his black hair short, which I supposed was a pretty insignificant thing to notice. “Except Grover. ‘Blackjack, calm down. “That was one of the forms of torture I had him go through, yes, but he’s currently unconscious. "Is that my shirt?" AN: I will be continuing this “series,” and I update very frequently. Oops, bad pun.” Hazel and Frank shared a knowing glance. There were barely any monster attacks. Their sisters said something about it being a 'good bonding experience' or whatever. “It goes like this,” I started. It was a whip drenched in lemon juice. I squashed down my growing panic and forced myself to sound remotely brave. You know I wouldn’t ask you unless it was completely necessary!’, I could basically hear him sighing. No no no no and no. I will not have been forgotten, Gaea. She started crying again. "It's Percy," Leo explains, "Olivia's potion got him turned into a girl." Fabulous! As Percy stared off into space, lilly pulled on his ear again, and this time at the top of her lungs yelled, "AUNT THALIA IS HERE! The battlefield was quiet. "-but you kissed me anyway, then I punched you, and then Percy took his turn and knocked you out. The other pegasi were beginning to panic as well, sensing the black pegasus’ distress. “My mistress will be revived and I willed be hailed a hero for spying on the side of the gods. “But you can’t. That was until his brothers were also turned into demigods. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. “No,” she sobbed, sinking to the floor. But unlike Annabeth, he was furious, which wasn’t altogether too uncommon. The room was alive with whispers and hushed conversations as they waited for Poseidon to finish reading and deliver the verdict. “We hated him while he’s enduring everything.”, “I can get us there quick.” Nico stepped forward. I had woken up due to a new torturing device. You have no power anymore. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. I will be leading the battle, standing in the front line, to fight for my true master. The last thing I saw before the black stars that had been invading pulled me under was Annabeth screaming my name as The Double slumped lifelessly to the ground. But I kept my guard up as I got ready for ‘lights out.’ You start to trust your ‘demigod instinct’ after a few years of being attacked by monsters. “I would be lying if I told you that you have more than a millionth of a chance at escape, so I’m not even going to go there.”. Half-blood, medium rare; that’s what!‘ he told me, ruffling his feathers frantically. Ares chuckled at this, and Zeus scowled. He brought the whip down on a nearly indistinguishable Percy. Annabeth sat beside me, clutching my hand like she was afraid that if she let go, I would disappear. “You don’t have to tell us if you don’t wanna,” said Hazel with a hint of a southern accent. A giant earthborn held a whip along with several other tools of torture. Soon, after several more blocks and swipes, their swords were locked. I was going back to Tartarus but this time Annabeth wouldn’t be coming with me. Annabeth stood in the center, the only place not covered in clothing or garbage, holding a creased piece of stationary. His children were Lindsay, a 7 year old, a 5 year old son, Thomas, and a 3 year old, Lilly. The Hero of Olympus, leaving camp in the middle of the night for Alaska to do a favour for Gaea. I know the the same person I love is down in there somewhere.”. As the whip hit Percy’s back, he flinched and cried out. Everything hurt; my head, my arms and legs, my midsection. “You really thought that you won? “If you won’t believe your own brother then maybe the words of your son will convince you look for yourself and tell me that he hasn’t betrayed us all!” Zeus shoved the note into dad’s hands. “I seriously doubt that. “So you went to Hubbard Glacier,” said Nico. Then the laughter started. “Stop, stop, please! ‘Sure thing , Boss. Zoe looked and saw Artemis, and … Jason. I probably looked more like the devil from Looney Tunes than I did Perseus Jackson. Will tries his best, Percy knows he does, and Jason just won't leave his thoughts alone. I’ll catch you later?’. The two girls switched. I steady myself as I hear the plumbing rattle. I seriously needed to relax. Surely all of that couldn’t have been acting? Letting curiosity get the best of me I heaved the oak trunk open to reveal…dirt? I grinned. Her! Boys are always trying to hit on me and such but well I just hate it. “TRAITOR!” He yelled, swinging around to glare at my dad. “Leave me alone!” I cried. The Mist was clearly protecting their vision, but whatever they thought they were seeing wasn’t too hot either. I was not a traitor, and nothing she could do would prove that. It bounced back at me until I was sure there was more than one person laughing. "What? “We gave up on Percy like that,” Piper said, adding charmspeak as she spoke. I would have to do Gaea’s stupid favour and find a way to get back quickly, before anyone noticed and raised an alarm. Percy can sense what is inside of us. They didn’t even know I had to be rescued. Artemis stepped forwards past Percy, who knew that if he so much as twitched, he would be shot full of arrows, so he kept still, but wanted to see the happy reunion occurring before him. “Fine, you win. Something dark and sticky and packed with loose particles. “Your plan will fail and Olympus will not fall. He raised the whip above his head, giving me a chance to locate all of the chips of sharp glass intertwined with the leather. “Why don’t you let your little girlfriend read it to you?”. Piper. "Let's just get this over with already. Percy loomed over Reyna and went for another punch. percy gets turned into a girl fanfiction. I grabbed a prism and put it where the sun created a rainbow. “So while Perseus over here is fighting in a war, I will be keeping you here to enact my own special brand of revenge. Annabeth sat on a chair beside my bed. Percy!”. She will lead the world into a time of peace and equality that is foreign to the Olympians and their children. “Yes little demigod, it was a trap. Many demigods still bore the physical and psychological scars of the Giant war. I normally would’ve thought it was a bit creepy, but I didn’t care. “Stupid, stupid idiot,” I cursed under my breath. I swear I almost had a heart attack between all the FEELS. I’ll try not to get kidnapped again.” She smiled a watery smile. “Goddess, accept my offering,” I chanted. My Wise Girl always thought of everything. I mentally prepared myself for it. “It probably is Apollo,” interrupted Frank. It filled every waking hour, my only reprieve when I succumbed to blessed unconsciousness. “My son is no traitor, Zeus! Aside from the fact he was turned into a girl, Nico, freaking Nico Di ANgelo had a frigging crush on him! She shrieked and laughed as I turned her upside-down. I started to feel dizzy. He’s probably had to watch this. I should have known it was too good to last. I could feel my heart beating in my chest. It couldn’t have. At. ''Call the counselors.'' I say. Chances are they wouldn’t be out looking for stragglers at this time, it was far too late for even the most devious of campers to be up. Read the most popular femharrypotter stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. I shrugged. Hazel. by in Uncategorized | 0 comments in Uncategorized | 0 comments Suddenly, Grover stiffened. "Because it's getting a little eerie down here!" Nico was bright red and Lily had a smile and Annabeth just rolled her eyes, even though a smile was playing on … Still it’s pretty cool to be a girl for one thing … She was glaring, but not at Gaea or a monster, her glare was at me. Remember now?" Jason crashed into the tree. Percy turned to see Zeus knocked out on the floor and all the gods at all) fanfiction where female Harry is also in the Percy Jackson series and. Another earthborn for me to get chummy with. The army made it as far as a kilometer from Olympus before they were met with the gods and demigods. From the earth in the chest emerged another figure. You can’t be serious! The council was undoubtedly in session. I scoffed, regretting the action as my hands slipped further down the giant earthen body part. Without any pressure on Riptide, all of Annabeth’s fury came crashing down on him. “Please, Percy,” she begged. HE IS A TRAITOR, A LIAR AND A FRAUD!”, Dad stood up then, his face contorting into a look of such rage that I imagined waves across the earth clashing in anger. I bared my teeth. I know what is wrong." The first three chapters are in Percy’s point of view. “What did it say?”. What the Hades are you doing up? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Not just dirt. He said. " We thought bitterly of you even though you had never been a traitor. Thanks a lot. I had sat on my bed and wallowed in sadness and self-pity. I marched up to her. Chiron finally said, glancing at Will and Percy. Percy,” she looked up at me. ‘No problem Blackjack. Call Camp Jupiter too, just in case she might be there.'' greekgodsrule Chapter 4 It’s been four months since I was turned into a girl and I can’t say it’s been fun. “Unless it’s the Party Ponies.” He shuddered. I asked, kissing her chin. Then I recited it. “Hello young demigod,” she said in a voice that was older than time itself. Still, my heart rate picked up and I struggled against my captors. Once Gaea was defeated, the Roman and Greek camps decided to join together to make one even larger camp, complete with roman temples, weapons, dishes, war games and fauns. So Hubb- wait. When you wake, you’ll be able to stand!” I smiled. Change ). I snuck an ever quicker glance at my dad. That couldn’t have happened. Suddenly, the ground underneath me opened up, swallowing me. I hadn’t seriously expected him to take me all the way to Hubbard Glacier. ( Log Out /  A bad nightmare, but it wasn’t real. “I still love you. I grinned at him and climbed aboard, trying to mind the feathers. Why Use Blueline. Well, most of the time. This is my first story with lemons, so enjoy. Demigods and supporters of the cause rallied behind the gods. A single tear ran down my face, cutting through the dried blood to make it’s track. “Now, when you take the nap you’re obviously yearning to give in to, you get fixed up. The beautiful girl's skin was coated in sweat, shimmering almost golden in the sunlight. I stroked her hair. I saw you look at the fake Percy and I could tell you still loved me. She always gloated to me that I would have to watch the fall of my own people, so I figured that she would do her strange earth-mother thing and do one of those Iris message-ey things. Frank grabbed Percy's fist and said "Stop, Percy. This was a dream come true. Before he regained his memory,” Frank explained. My friends will come for me! “You made everyone here think Percy was a traitor, and not believe in him!” I shouted. “Oh your friends will not be coming for you, they wouldn’t want to come rescue a traitor.”, No. "Child if you are not ready, prepare yourself." I whipped around to see Grover, not Gaea, Grover, dancing. If I hated him before, I absolutely loathed him for what he did next. Katie. I could only draw the healing properties from water when it was pure and in its liquid state, so ice was pretty much as useful to me as sawdust was to the starving man. Then we went on the quest and Jason and I would get a little touchy. It was The Double, as I had taken to calling him. Apparently this one was a little smarter than the rest of the earthborn Gaea usually raised. But really, I rationed, it wasn’t just me. He saved Olympus more than once, since when have real traitors ever done that?”. Zeus was the first to be turned into a mortal. Everyone except… I changed direction abruptly. "This afternoon I'm dueling an Ares kid, ok? The damage had been done for everyone. A law passed down to me by a being more powerful than the Olympians. He looked at The Double as if his worst fears had been confirmed. “I won’t ever leave you,” I told her. It was still desolate and cold, which I really wasn’t expecting. “Only I can do that. Still trying to regain his balance, The Double stumbled right into it. And now here I was, saviour of Olympus and slayer of Gaea, in the hands of the very people who I had killed. What if Percy hadn't let Bianca go into the Talos statue? Annabeth smiled warmly and wrapped her arms around my neck. “8:00,” Annabeth said after checking her watch. Nico’s face seemed shallower, and paler (it that was even possible). I mean other than the fact that I was evil and she was supposed to be doing her best to kill me really soon. Chapter 5. “No,” she told me. I looked around at my friends. The sun god had always like Percy, the kid was just so darn likeable. Then it hit me. I hear wolf whistles as my new bra is exposed. Her eyes glinted in the evening sunlight, shining like diamonds. It's a long story Blackjack see I got turned into a girl! TalisRain22 Can I make a Fanfic using the first story line or continue the story you made? A bird cawed somewhere in the distance and my body seized unwillingly at the sudden noise. But at least all of the fiery pain kept my thoughts from wandering towards other things. Welcome to Fan Fiction All Books, or, FFAB. My Wise Girl hadn’t given up on me, not after all this time. “You might have them believing you, but nothing you can do will make me fight against my friends and family!”, “Oh you won’t be fighting them.” Gaea looked smug. I shrugged again. We were quickly around the ping pong table in the Big House. Again, I was touched by the depth of Annabeth’s love for me. I thought about Annabeth; her blonde curls, tan skin, killer attitude, and constant lemony smell. I’ll do it.”, “Good. I feel my face flush pink. When I woke, I was in the Camp Half-Blood infirmary. “THAT BOY HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT TROUBLE POSEIDON! Nico. Wait! Be ready for war, an army marches on Olympus as soon as Gaea has been saved. “He could’ve cut the connection before he died!” I was not going to plant hope where there was none. Chiron said, Percy and Will nodded, taking off to the U of cabins. Or how about your mother? “If you think that, then you’re a lot dumber than I thought.” He made to pull his sword back and make another move, but Annabeth was still putting all of her weight down on her own blade. "Uh, I mean, it's fine! I soared across the waves, using them like a surfboard. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. "Since you are now a girl, you need a new name. Pulling Riptide from where it was discarded on the ice, he used the weapon to slice my shirt in half. We melted into the shadows and disappeared. Drew demands. “We couldn’t give it to you while you were sleeping,” she explained. That’s right, Jackson, just a bad dream. They bowed their heads, all remembering a great friend, no matter which side he was on. Sorry buddy.”. ‘Whatever you say, Blackjack,’ I laughed. “Oh, I can’t say no to you,” I smiled. ''Nyx won't be happy with this.'' The Double was pushed backwards. Reyna. And if he hated my guts, why would he prevent me from dying?” I looked at Jason, Piper, Leo, Grover, Hazel, Frank and Nico. Who was I kidding. I caught faces briefly as my eyes rolled over the crowd. "It's Lacy's." Your army is dead! ‘Alright, but you owe me.’, ‘Thanks, buddy. Drew's nails dig into my flesh as she literally rips the clothing from my body. At that exact moment. A lot. If he’s in pain, and believe me, he is, I feel it.”. I smiled at the memories of Hazel and Frank that it brought up. Hang on Percy, I thought. A beautiful and down to earth girlfriend, cheated on him. The earthborn tightened their grip on my arms, their mace-like hold on me becoming almost unbearable. A loyal and kind father, disowned him. We all gasped. I was 101% done with evil goddesses. Thunder boomed in the distance, and I wondered if I was just hearing it from the message. Thanks to live internet streams, she's at your mercy If you do not meet my requirements exactly then someone shall die.”. “Percy,” she whispered, then collapsed in a fit of crying. Let’s just get this show on the road already.’. This copy of me was made purely to do wrong. It cut through my back like the first beating I got. Anybody who could have been watching would almost say that my smile was devilish. So I tried to focus on something else. Annabeth. I couldn’t protect everyone I cared about at the same time and there was no way we would be able to fight another war so soon after the other. The silence was interrupted by…cheering? I’d thought that our friendship was stronger than that. “I’m fine now,” I assured them. “How did you find the prophecy?” asked Grover. Nothing to suggest anything extraordinary would happen. I screamed bloody murder at Gaea and the monsters that held me back as I fought tooth and nail against them, calling to Annabeth all the while. Everyone could be bribed with enough  money or promise of power. The person in the mirror could easily pass as Percy' s sibling. It cut through my back like the first beating I got. I was almost unconscious for a fifth time that morning when I heard a voice call my name. “Shoot. I tore my eyes away from the image. I’m really looking forward to that.”. “A girl! You have nothing on me; you can’t force me to do anything anymore.”, “Or can I.” I could hear the sneer. Annabeth stayed. “The real sun rises in the East and sets in the West.”, “There’s also a traitor,” Hazel put in. It was then that I knew I was in trouble. I set my back against my pillows and laid down. It filled the hole, so loud it made me want to tear off my ears. “Oh Percy” Annabeth exclaimed. It was fine for a while. My hands were covered in dirt. “I don’t want to be in a prophecy anyway!” he protested. ‘If you get caught, I wasn’t even here. The goddess snarled at me, teeth like rusty razor blades. We have an entire legion of Roman and Greek demigods. The goddess grants … “Percy!” I screamed.
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