The Odessa catacombs are a very complicated system of natural tunnels, mines, bunkers, and caves that are predominantly a result of mining – with the earliest excavations beginning in the 19th century. Eventually, a journalist wrote about the body, and within 24 hours, the police came and had it removed. Home; Repair Service; Parts & Seals Menu Toggle. Perhaps the most famous story dates back to claims made in 2009 by Ukrainian catacombs explorer Eugene Lata. Paris Catacombs - Paris, France. They decided to do this in the Odessa catacombs, where they could have some privacy, drink, and have fun with a little added creep factor. Mauritius Square, Ukraine: What is this Giant Crab-like Earthworks? But without knowing the mind boggling extent of these catacombs, their efforts proved largely fruitless. There was no light in the catacombs besides whatever she might have had on her, and it is believed she wandered in pitch blackness. Her partially mummified body was discovered two years later by amateur explorers. Catacombs below Odessa, Ukraine. In World War II, Odessa was besieged in August of 1941 by the Axis forces. On the eve of 2005, a group of local teens decided to spend the New Year getting drunk in the tunnels… One girl, named Masha, had wandered off at some point in … Even though they never managed to explore the tunnels fully, the maps that these urban explorers managed to create are simply on the verge of being impossible. But some like to say that the earliest form of the catacombs dates to centuries before that, to 1600’s or possibly before – and that’s plausible. A farmer in Burkina Faso looked to his ancestors and came up with an innovative solution. Various message boards shared the tale, and websites began to present the details as fact. ( Volodymyr Khodaryev /Adobe Stock). Dashwood Mausoleum: Final Resting Place for Family of Hell Club Founder, Petroglyphs Sun Writing Of The Gods: Cosmological Orientation Of Fremont Indian Rock Art, Study Shows Neanderthals Had Capacity To Produce And Understand Speech, Armenia’s Greatest Military Leader: Vardan Mamikonian And His Dynasty. But according to the official Odessa Catacombs website, the whole story of Masha is a lie. Old Catacombs Odessa, Ukraine (XVIII-XX century) . Still left for anyone to roam freely, these tunnels are used just as several decades before – by anyone who needs or wants to descend into its depths. One of their group, a teenage girl named Masha, got separated from the rest. Creepy stories about the Odessa catacombs range from dead bodies found in catacombs, to people who have gotten lost in catacombs and were never seen again. Originally these subterranean caves came into being because most of the stone used to build the city was excavated … In the end, she might have crawled. In fact, these labyrinthine tunnels are so enormous, that they easily dwarf both the catacombs of Rome and those of Paris . We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. With outside temperatures hovering around freezing, things weren’t much warmer down in the catacombs. Part of the catacomb network, Odessa, Ukraine . The partial mummification made for a successful identification of the victim and the autopsy revealed that she died from dehydration three days after getting lost. There are still hundreds of kilometers of tunnels that no one has been able to see all of – we can only speculate about what kind of gruesome secrets still dwell deep within. In the Odessa catacombs . Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! Perhaps they will never be. The etymology of the word “rune” means: “to carve, or to cut.” In Low German the word is “raunen.” As the runes were cut and carved into wood, metal or stone, the word “rune” was analogous to the rune letters themselves. There are even tales of Nazi executions and cultists, not to mention a ghost story or two; however, the most famous of the catacomb legends is probably that of a girl named Masha, who went into the maze of passages and wasn't found until years later. Those daring few that decide to explore the endless depths below Odessa are often surprised by a gruesome find. Eventually the majority of the group managed to find their way back out – but Masha never did. In fact, one body of a two-year-old girl who died of pneumonia in 1920 is so well-preserved that her body has earned the informal title “Sleeping Beauty.” 4. The Tiara... France, 1920: Marcel Griaule is a young man who is very well-established in his studies, especially in mathematics. Atlas Obscura. It is dedicated to the partisan effort of the World War II and it is filled with relics of the period, almost all of which were found within the catacombs over the years. Based on what was later found, it is believed that Masha stumbled around in the catacombs for at least three days, starving, thirsty, alone, and in the dark. Adventures in Ukraine: Odessa Catacombs. One of their group, a teenage girl named Masha, got separated from the rest. One interesting aspect of the tunnels is the fact that they are subject to a variety of highly imaginative urban legends. The Znojmo Catacombs: A Maze of Tunnels Where No Enemies Escaped Alive. Over the decades that follow, after the gradual abandonment of the mining operations, the Odessa catacombs would become somewhat obscure and forgotten. Katakomby. At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. The Odessa catacomb death legend has been supported by witnesses, as well as photos and even a few news articles, but there's not much as far as hard facts go. Lists of true accounts of real people who survived unfathomable situations and depictions of fights for survival in film, TV, video games, and other media. Odessa Catacombs are a labyrinth of passages, between two and four meters wide, which run below a huge portion of the city. An entrance into the catacombs. A partial map of the Odessa catacombs. Some are simple, but still informative: “ Fedor Troyanenko earned 10 rubles and 99 kopeks – year 1907.” Others are simple dates – “Written in 1842.” There are some that are enigmatic and biblical, macabre and ominous: “ I die for your sins.” ; “Blood for blood; Death for death.” or “ God will never save our souls.”. (Author provided). One of their group, a teenage girl named Masha, got separated from the rest. Some objects are especially prized because the story about them is so precious. Probably the longest system of the labyrinth in the world. However, in the drunken revelry a member of … Situated in the very south of Ukraine, nestled at the shores of the Black Sea , Odessa is the sprawling and third most populous town in the country. [Online] Available at:, I am a published author of over ten historical fiction novels, and I specialize in Slavic linguistics. On the eve of 2005, a group of local teens decided to spend the New Year getting drunk in the tunnels… and by the time they left, had managed to lose count of the group. This was enough to drive a group of explorers to the area in search of the supposed corpse, and it appeared they actually found it. 2019. Unfortunately, what they often find inside is far more grim than that. Odesskiy. Tollund Man is the naturally mummified body of a man who lived during the 4th century BC, during the period characterised in Scandinavia as the Pre-Roman Iron Age. Go to the left, go to the right, You’ll only meet the darkness of the night…”, Another poem tells of the loneliness inside the tunnels: “Sing not, oh nightingale, against my cell, and don’t interrupt my prayer, oh, nightingale.”. Descending into the darkness below the world, you are thrust headfirst into a deeply disturbing realm. While you may have never heard of the Odessa catacombs, they are filled with legends and dark tales that you'll never forget. The Curse of the Mijikenda Vigango Statues, The Faces of Ancient Hominids Brought to Life in Remarkable Detail, Research Confirms that Neanderthal DNA Makes Up About 20% of the Modern Human Genome. Unlike the catacombs of Paris and Rome, the Odessa catacombs were never used to bury the dead. Ukraine. Parts; Kits; Hoses; Seals; masha who died in the catacombs But one Ukrainian town stands out – Odessa. Her partially mummified body was discovered two years later by amateur explorers. Either way, the main portion of these catacombs was begun in earnest in the 19th century and onwards, with stone being quarried to be used in the building of the houses of the city above. The group ventured deep inside and soon enough they got lost. All of these items are housed in a section of the tunnels which were used by the partisans. Eventually the majority of the group managed to find their way back out – but Masha never did. ( eliosdnepr /Adobe Stock). The rumors said it was deep underground, but from what they had seen, the body appeared to be fresh. [Online] Available at:, Unknown. Beneath its streets, under the slowly unraveling everyday lives of its citizens, lies a sprawling network of tunnels and catacombs, an enigmatic web of dark corridors that built up a reputation of macabre proportions. One of the reasons the catacombs of Odessa stand out is because they are by far the world’s longest catacombs. It was wearing jeans and modern shoes, and did appear to be the result of a fairly recent death. Find Out. After 73 days of vicious fighting, the town fell and was annexed to become a part of newly formed Transnistria Governorate under Romanian administration. The tunnels would become a safe haven for a plethora of different characters, most of them shady . Here they lived – slept, cooked, organized raids, and fought. It`s a dead body of the 19-years old girl, who has lost the right way in the maze. Her body was found only after 2 years… …It’s a very sad story. But most importantly, the Odessa catacombs are an incredible testament, an entire “in-situ” museum of incredible proportions – filled with various relics of the past. On January 1st 2005, a young Ukranian teenage girl named Masha put on her make-up, packed up some champagne, and headed out for her New Years Eve nights party. Top Image: Old Odessa Catacombs  Source: onyx124 / Adobe Stock, Author Unknown. A vast country that prides itself on a history rich with heroes and artists. Some say this was even done maliciously. The complete length of the Odessa catacombs comes up to around astonishing 2500 km (1553.43 miles)! Old Odessa catacombs . [Online] Available at:, Thuras, D. Odessa Catacombs. The story quickly became a famous Internet legend. As modern urban explorers tend to do, individuals from the group who found the body decided to share their exploits online. But the most important “inhabitants” of these labyrinths were the Soviet partisans. Venus Figurines – Fertility Symbols, Portraits, Dolls, or Upper Paleolithic Porn? It was into these very tunnels that a 19-year-old girl, known only as Masha, ventured with her friends to celebrate the New Year in 2005. And as one treads these tunnels which were never graced by the light of day, one can easily see that the horrors from the pages of novels such as “Metro 2033”, or from some iconic Lovecraftian horror, are firmly and terrifyingly rooted in reality. [Online] Available at:, Richter, D. 2013. Everywhere, hidden in the niches and the stone nooks, lie scribbled and faded poems, warnings and pleas. The Odessa Catacombs are a labyrinth-like network of tunnels (subterranean cavities) located under the city of Odessa and its outskirts in Ukraine, that are mostly (over 90%) the result of stone mining, particularly coquina. Especially when you consider the fact that the distance between Odessa and Paris is roughly 2138 km (1328.49 miles). Makeshift rooms, quarters, tables, and all manner of carvings and writings are all preserved and the entire museum serves as a strikingly unaltered glimpse into the urban warfare of the second world war. If you looking for the girl lost at Odessa catacombs, the Masha Odessa catacombs story? Some proof for the long existence of this myth are the countless graffiti ships that can be spotted in the tunnels. So there is a story that does the internet rounds about Masha, a Ukrainian girl who at New Year in 2005 went into the catacombs under Odessa with friends to drink and party and got lost. We’re heading underground to find out whether the tunnels are truly empty. Many of Ukraine’s cities have rich and lengthy histories behind them – all filled with tales and secrets. The Tiara of Saitaphernes is certainly one of these “priceless” objects and its story is long and surprising. The biggest and most serious efforts were made by a club specifically created for the purpose – Poisk ( Поїск). A 2009 forum post on the Urban Explorer's Resource (UER) site, by someone named Eugene Lata, put the tale into English, detailing everything from Masha's backstory to the grim discovery the group had made. Various measures have been taken to counter the negative effects, with some providing better results than others. Ancient Origins © 2013 - 2021Disclaimer - Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy - Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. What followed for Masha was a three day trek from hell. Her partially mummified body was discovered two years later by amateur explorers. about The Tiara of Saitaphernes: Wow Antique? They were created some 200 years ago, when the city was actually built. A wrong turn can mean death in these tunnels and every step might reveal some unseen horror. But one such find could not remain a secret. But one thing that this city of one million citizens hides, and a fact that many who visit it are totally unaware of, are the sprawling catacombs beneath its streets. ... Masha was left down there: lost, scared, disoriented, and in total darkness. The kids began to drink, and soon enough Masha became drunk. Fine Art? After a night of celebration and drinking, Masha and her friends decided to continue the party down in the tunnels. There are reasons why the Odessa catacombs are so shrouded in enigma and macabre reputation -many of those who ventured deep below have never come out. She had no food and no water, and the catacombs were freezing cold and dry. As it turns out, many people still venture into the darkness seeking adventure. And what awaits is a journey that comes so eerily close to something from the pages of Metro 2033 or the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lata wrote a widely circulated online post stating that he and other explorers had found the body of a local student named Masha, who on New Year's Eve in 2005 had wandered into the catacombs with her friends after drinking. On January 1st, 2005, some Odessa teens decided to spend New Year’s night partying in the catacombs. Numerous reports exist of partially mummified human remains and skeletons that have been found inside the catacombs. Think of the Triangle. Find Out. [Online] Available at:, McKendry, I. D. 2017. So, is it really true? In 2005, after a couple of drinks, a group of enthusiastic Odessa teens decided to continue their party down in the catacombs. More photos surfaced, including additional shots of the tunnels and even bones. Did you know that Odessa, Ukraine has the world’s biggest catacomb network?This incredible underground labyrinth spans something like 1,500 km, and is not only the world’s largest, but is also three times bigger than the Paris catacombs, which are the second largest. There have been various reports of people walking into the catacombs, getting lost and then eventually dying of dehydration. The Odessa catacombs, even though slightly taboo and extremely eerie, are not illegal to visit . Several years ago, a team of scientists from the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt, Germany, set out to put a human face to ancient hominid species that once walked the Earth. But even though the city fell, its citizens didn’t give up the fight. The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. We believe it is just a practical joke and the corpse is fake." Later research suggested that Masha was an invented character and her death never happened.And so Masha slowly became a legend, one of the many about this place. Secrets Behind the Creepy Plague Doctor Mask and Costume, Kidd Mine Ontario: The World's Oldest Pool of Water, The Great Serpent Mound of Ohio, the Largest Earthen Effigy in the World, Ten incredible underwater discoveries that have captured our imagination. The girl lost in the Odessa Catacombs Other So there is a story that does the internet rounds about Masha, a Ukrainian girl who at New Year in 2005 went into the catacombs under Odessa with friends to drink and party and got lost. This makes it one of the more unique museums of that period – as long as you don’t strive from the beaten path! That is why dozen of tourist want to visit catacombs in Odessa. Skeletons and mummified animal corpses , World War II weapon caches, archaic items – and human corpses. Why is the global climatic cataclysm of the sixth century virtually unheard of? Fake? Excavation of the Maltese Catacombs of St. Agatha Revealed Some of the Finest 12th and 15th century Frescos in Europe! Just one look at the maps will show you exactly why the Odessa catacombs were never fully explored – the sheer size prevents it. Their development really took off when Odessa the city was founded by Catherine the Great in … ( onyx124 /Adobe Stock). Before long, the other teens gave up looking for her and left, figuring she'd already gotten out, or would get out on her own soon. He claimed that his best friend had led the expedition, and that he had been there when the infamous photo was taken. A nation whose foundations stand on centuries of struggle and fighting for independence. This was only aimed at the portions beneath the town center though, and the rest of the catacombs continued to develop some time after. Atlas Obscura. the group had continued to explore the catacombs, where did genie go when the research grant ended. After the party, Masha and her friends decided to visit the catacombs and do some lite exploring, without going very far into the tunnels. Unfortunately for Masha, this was not the case. ( CC BY SA 4.0 ). The mining operations would soon spiral almost out of control, causing some issues for the town itself, until they would be temporarily banned after 1917. These lines give us a glimpse into the melancholic Slavic and Ukrainian soul of the past: “No treasure, no happiness, you will find here, Though forehead knocks the wall behind the wall. While the Odessa catacombs are apparently a popular spot for parties, such revelry is not without risks. I need help locating a Phallus, Please help my search, Genesis-Revelations The life cycle of the World, What's your favourite Fairy Tales (and their possible origins). Was There An Explosion In The Great Pyramid In Antiquity? What's worse is that it's believed she walked away from the entrance, farther underground, so that the temperatures dropped even lower. It was meant as a sort of warning for others to stay away, but it also lured urban explorers to the site with growing regularity. Questions about why people bury the dead can often lead to … Pavlo Fedykovych. Always pursuing my passions for writing, history and literature, I strive to deliver a thrilling and captivating read that touches upon history's most... Read More. [Online] Available at:, Author Unknown. A guide is thus essential. Prominently sitting atop a hill in West Wycombe, United Kingdom, is an unusually shaped building called the Dashwood Mausoleum. 2017. After the communists came to power, this man hid both himself and the golden Titanic in the catacombs below, never to be discovered. Odessa’s Mindbending Catacomb Maps. They present thousands of crisscrossed tunnels, intersections, corridors, galleries, and caverns, all entwined and endlessly sprawling like some chaotic maze of ant tunnels. ( Artem Merzlenko /Adobe Stock) Like Ants: The Earliest History of the Odessa Catacombs . Masha was a student visiting Odessa that went drinking on New Years Eve in 2005. The labyrinths are also unique by being largely unexplored and un-commercialized. In the decades after the war, the tunnels became a safe haven for smugglers and criminals – and they made more tunnels. Detachment of Molodtsov near Odessa Catacombs. One girl, named Masha, had wandered off at some point in the night. When One Girl Got Lost in Odessa’s Catacombs, What Happened to Her Was Horrific. A Tour of the World’s Largest Labyrinth: The Odessa Catacombs. It is said that 5-10 people get lost in the catacombs each year, of which only about half are rescued. Another urban legend, far more popular, is the story of the lost treasure. This goes to show that the Odessa catacombs can be very grim.,,,,,,,, The Tiara of Saitaphernes: Wow Antique? No one is exactly sure how she died, but it could have been dehydration or hypothermia. The citizens of Odessa believe a variety of myths and rumors that circulate about the catacombs – hidden treasures, skeletons, and even ghosts. The group of friends entered through an opening located around Odessa School Number 56. On the eve of 2005, a group of local teens decided to spend the New Year getting drunk in the tunnelsâ ¦ and by the time they left, had managed to lose count of the group. Тайны подземной Одессы. A little less than six months after the incident is said to have occurred, news began to spread among local cave explorers near Odessa that someone had spotted a body. Description. Even with all that, humans are resilient, and can survive several days without food and water. Odessa catacombs it is a wide net undeground tunnels, appeared after intensive stone mining in 19 century. Sad mother monument, made in stone in the Odessa catacombs . ( Artem Merzlenko /Adobe Stock). Odessa Catacombs Last updated January 02, 2021. Relics of the past in the Odessa catacombs, Ukraine. The origins of the Odessa catacombs. They left without her and she never reappeared. The group snapped a photo, in which three young boys pose with the body as if they have just identified it. Her friends never were able to find her, and the police saw neither hide nor hair of her, as they didn't want to venture into the mysterious catacombs. It was a very big bad-experiment group, so probably when in the morning drunk group left katakombs, they forgot girl inside. A network of tunnels underneath Odessa, Ukraine make up the Odessa Catacombs—which are even larger than the catacombs of Paris. Beneath Odessa, a port city on the coast of Ukraine, there lies a labyrinth: a complex network of tunnels which, at an estimated total length of 2,500 km, rank as perhaps the largest underground system in the world [1]. Sometimes it may happen that somebody lost because of it totally free of control by government. What followed for Masha was a three day trek from hell. He has recently served as a volunteer in the French Air Force and aspires to attend the prestigious Lycée Louis le Grande. 2007: dead body of girl finally removed. One of the teens was a girl named Masha, and she was simply going with the rest of her crew to have a good time. The Bohemian Blog. One popular myth is the story of the White Hunter – a catacomb explorer of some notoriety who apparently never came out and most likely died while in the catacombs. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exists countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. Yes, it may be very dangerous to go there alone, especially if you do not tell anyone about. The “Museum of Partisan Glory” is located in a part of the catacombs north of Odessa, and it is the only underground museum in Ukraine. 19 years old girl gets lost after syvester party. The legend goes a little something like this: In 2005, a group of teenagers headed out on New Year's Eve (or New Year's Day, depending on the source) to have a little party. Or so the story goes. [Online] Available at:, Thuras, D. 2010. Several attempts at thorough exploration were made over the years. And some are full-fledged poems, written in the delicate Cyrillic cursive script, their authors lost to time. There was no light in the catacombs besides whatever she might have had on her, and it is believed she wandered in pitch blackness. The Odessa Catacombs grew out of natural cavities, fissures and caves. Actually, the walls of the Odessa catacombs are inscribed with thousands of writings, ranging from names to slogans to caricatures and even poems. The unsettling story of Masha, the lost girl of the Odessa Catacombs Masha was a student visiting Odessa that went drinking on New Years Eve in 2005. Some sources claim that roughly five amateurs that descend into the tunnels never come out again – and this really gives us an incentive to truly grasp the size of these tunnels. "Besides the original photographer," a post says, "there isn't one person, civilian or law enforcement, that can confirm the story. Hundreds of partisans, or rebels, took to hiding in the catacombs. A large portion of these tunnels – due to the sheer extent and the number of corridors – remains completely unexplored. The Controversial Lapedo Child – A Neanderthal / Human Hybrid? There is no such phenomena in any place in the world. Everyone wanted to see where poor Masha had met her end. The citizens believe that he still haunts these labyrinthine tunnels. Even if it's just a myth, there's no denying that the other tales of the catacombs are creepy enough to keep anyone out... Or so one would think.
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