In a Femme-Led Society men can adjust to the idea that they are the followers and remain beta. It takes a man who’s truly secure in himself (and I’m not sure, but I don’t think that would describe many Alpha males) to see things this way. Q: My boyfriend and I were having relationship issues until we tried something new: pegging. And no, it’s not for everybody. And be truthful to each other with your answers. I secretly hoped she would because it turned me on to no end. Our marriage was going strong more and more and mine and her sex life was amazing. js.src = "//"; I uncovered detail after detail of her affair as she was very sloppy with hiding it. I haven’t read most of the comments here so I’m not sure what’s already been covered, but I can speak a little from my own experience: I was once (just once) with a woman who loved me and had sex with lots of other men while I was hers, and I LOVED it (and I’m reasonably sure she did too). Very interesting personal experience you had with your spouse coming out as a lesbian. No one owns another human being. I can’t object to this or anything else.. or I’m just being manipulative. Your objective in a Loving Female Led Relationship is to offer her the support and freedom to do and be anything she wants. If I am truly placing ALL of her needs, desires, happiness and success first, how can I possibly object to this? Histats.track_hits();} catch(err){}; Searching For Advice For Your Female Led Relationship? A good leader shouldn’t want you to suffer. Now I must admit that I get turned on over the thought! answer #2. Her initiative. Te-Erika, I accept your explanation that our purpose as men is the happiness of our wives, and that we don’t own her (she own’s us right? Actions like this woman is talking is causing me to not want to do a FLR. I had a decent job in the office trying to pursue my career so I often had to stay in the office till late. It happen again 3 weekends later and she asked if I minded that she and him didn't use a condom or her birth control. Can a loving man look at the ruine of a loving woman? (function(d, s, id) { Is that a bad thing? As long as you are both on the same page it's your marriage. I’ve never been married, but I’ve had a girlfriend who had lots of other lovers, both in the US and abroad, and I loved that. I dated my wife for two years before we got married. Does he want to open up your marriage so that he can have sex with some girls while you are busy with your side piece? Cuckhold? This is my second. I hope that it is not too late for your two or that I am just plain wrong. But beta males can be good partners, supporters, friends, companions, servants, followers, caretakers and this is great. All she has ever said was that he was very important/special to her. MY girlfriend says she never wants to have a family but I know I want kids one day. We honor her choices and never say “no” to her unless it violates my core values, or makes me feel bad about myself or my life. If she desires to have another lover and expresses this to you honestly and openly then you must honor her choice. You could try to talk her out of it. Unfortunately it is not yet legal, but it can still be worked out privately. The 2 Basic Types of Female Led Relationships, Our FLR is the Beginning of the Best Years of Our Marriage. She said she wanted him to cum inside her. Greg, February 9, 2018 by Steve Horsmon 3 Comments. Because they’ve agreed that what they’re doing is okay. My wife has asked me for a "DP" in sex. She had something with me that she didn’t have with any of those other men, and so it is with open marriage. It’s just a bonus if he or she flirt along the way. He probably have a fantasy that you are seeing another man, is coming back to him and he will have you as well. This is crazy this is not a loving relationship. The problem I’ve recently encountered was her wanting another man for me! you are 100% correct. Unless this is a kink that you are in to as well or unless there is mutual confidence that this is just a purely physical pursuit of hers that will not threaten the privilege of your marriage then don’t go for it. her for as long as she’ll have me. I have to say I am surprised by this answer. And when she’d take me to one of the dances she loved to go to (I’m not a big fan of dancing myself), I loved to watch her dance with the men there, and I was happier still if she was flirting with them and they were getting all sexy together; I felt proud. Understand? The decision-making acts of a woman are ethical, or rather arbitrary. She heard of it from her girlfriends, so I went along and said we could try it next time. October 7, 2017. My wife was a consultant, so she was travelling a lot. This has tested my character, faith, persona, manhood everything to my core. Threesome? So 2 months later her and I go on vacation after a few days of hot intense sex we start talk I asked her how things where going g between her and her boyfriend. I wasn't sure she was that serious! If both partners agree to it, the arrangement has the effect of eliminating the possibility of either partner ever “cheating” on the other, since “cheating” can’t exist without an assumption of sexual exclusivity. I don’t mind getting one. But one day you need some plumbing work and he tells you that he doesn’t know about it, so you hire a plumber to do the job. That depends on what you love. She thought I was mad because he said he loved her ; I told just keep being honest with and noithing can go wrong. 7 Things to NOT Do When She Says She Wants Space Here are 7 sure-fire ways to make her want even more space . Have the courage to admit you want an affair and you don’t care who it hurts. Yes but for it you should say to your husband he find a boy for and fucked on front of your husband good idea. It means something different to her that allows her to hurt and betray you if really she loves you at all. my wife asked me if she could have sex with other men after a lot of thought i said yes we now have another guy living with us (our family think he's a lodger) so she can have sex more often.he has been with us now for 6 years and we are more in love now than ever. How do I stay hard in a difficult position? When your wife asks for divorce, she means it. I had an ex who was going to model in japan for several months and I told her if she fooled around there I’d be okay with it. So, when my wife came home from her date and said to me, “So, I think I might have a girlfriend”, for me it was like watching the moon landing. This makes make led relationships look saintly and trust me they aren’t. I wonder how many marriages and lives, this writer has ruined. Awakenings by Goodhusband. A few weeks ago, she sat down with me and had me read some articles about feminization. So she left my son with me because I was uncomfortable with that. One of his messages is: communication communication communication. And as such, it involves mindsets and perspectives and approaches that, like the territory itself, are unfamiliar – more unfamiliar to some than to others. You can put a dress and shoes on a pig, but it’s still a pig. You never lose when you are true to yourself and your heart’s desire to place the happiness of your wife above your own. Paladinrja. Whether she says she wants to clear her head, get some alone time, or just be away from you, she’ll start finding excuses to get out of the house. I have a friend who has on occasion fvcked hot married women in front of their’s weird as hell but whatever. Talk to each other. I am single now and have many girlfriends.Also how is a man suppose to change from who he is at his core. i asked my fiancee if our sex was the best she ever had. If this is what a “loving” female led relationship is I’m becoming a herbivore man. Unfortunately, i dont get to watch or hear anything as her dates are outside the house. But you can’t un-see what you’ve seen here, and maybe someday you’ll be ready to open your mind to it…or not. So when a woman embarks on an eternally ruining decision, then a supportive man should protect her and help her make an ethical decision. We married when I was 31 and my wife was 29. Most women in Loving FLRs prefer having one partner. In a FLR relationship the woman has the right to take other lovers. Infidelity is unforgivable by someone who is supposed to love you. I am a 43-year-old man, and my wife is 41. I think he should accept it. Rather than herself an I’m just not ready for that but she is kind an encouraging me She says this is just another fear I have that will overcome. She's told him 'I love you'," Seamus revealed. that was so well put. Paraphilia (previously known as sexual perversion and sexual deviation ). Now I don't know what to do, because I was bluffing that I knew what it was. I am assuming that further intercourse with her is no longer possible, but what is the logic of denying you the ability to achieve orgasms? They had sex and when she was done I asked "Are you still sceptical because I heard you moan threw the house?" I am honestly happy they find one. No! The only exception is if she asks you to do something that violates your core values and makes you feel badly about yourself and your life. Her husband should be supportive of her. She has remained extremely attractive….the local Goddess to some….and I would rather be where I am….knowing some of these extremely attractive men are serving her needs…than being apart. I am certain that it will make you a bit nervous to know that your wife is enjoying the pleasure of another man, but at the same time, it should make you proud that she is having her heart’s desire and you are not standing in the way of that. AskMen, Become a Better Man, Big Shiny Things, Mantics and guyQ are among the federally registered trademarks of Ziff Davis Canada, Inc. and may not be used by third parties without explicit permission. What is he after? Women may have sex or may not with a beta male but they are always -blame on Nature- are attracted to Alpha males. The gift of your submission and devotion must be cherished if it is a loving FLR, and it seems to me that acting responsibly in the face of your devotion should be a fundamental tenet of the relationship. after she refused to answer the question, she finally said her ex-boyfriend was the best. There will always be happily Alpha males and happily beta females, and maybe others who for other reasons can’t wrap their minds around sharing their partners. Your email address will not be published. And that was 100% fine by me; I got greater pleasure from doing other things in bed, things that served and pleased her, and if I never had an orgasm, that meant I could keep going almost indefinitely (at least I could back then, lol). I said whatever makes you happy you do. Doesnt have time for nor wants a regular boyfriend. I thought this website was supposed to be about “kink free” FLR. Nothing turns me on like a free, independent, autonomous woman…and when such a woman, whom I know can and does have every man she wants, also wants *me*…wow. They still have each other to come home to; they still know each other better than anybody else does; they’re still married. We are happy with this arrangement and have found it has made our relationship stronger. Alpha males have a different role than beta males and women always are sexually attracted to Alphas even if they marry or relate to beta males. Why even get married if, in the end, you want another lover? why does he feel that? How can a Loving Relationship have infidelity? And I believe she’ll always love me and want to be with me, but I guess time will tell. A similar thing happened to a first cousin of mine who was married with a woman who gave birth to two boys. There is no loving when one party is selfish and willing to take more than give. Can she, or you help me accept her finding pleasure in another man? You are so correct in your reply Ms Te-Erika. That's strange. My wife felt she was unappreciated unloved and blamed me at the beginning. Don’t give up. I don't want a divorce or to see my family break apart. No it not a bad for you to have a boyfriend on the side. Tell her exactly how you feel but support her regardless. Cuckolding has, in fact, been a part of my FLR with my wife. Things changed somehow 2 years ago. I like the idea that you eagerly and intently listen to your wife’s stories of her outside love interests knowing that you are secure and she’s not going to leave you for them. Again, read Awakenings by Goodhusband on Most. When Iam willing to accept her every decision without complaint I am in the place I should be. And if mutually agreed then both can have more than one partner. It would be wrong to think that because a male is beta is not useful and important in a woman’s life. They all leave me for a real man. You mentioned that the Female might want to have children with the Alpha for the purpose of having stronger kids. I caught my wife cheating. So his wife said she wants another lover, and you are signing off on this nonsense. I suggested it to my and it turned out great. I totally agree with Tom. This is her third (the first ended after about 2 years and the second 6 months). . She didn't have her first boyfriend until she was 17 and with him she also had her first time. She has a handful if dates each year always a different guy. I am currently reading a story on about this idea. Is this correct, So I would have a hard time fitting in right in with this lifestyle. A wife wants to know that she can rely on her husband to be a strong man in difficult times, rather than feeling as though she is the stronger one in the marriage and needs to take care of him emotionally. Continue to be the loving and supportive husband that you are. From my perspective you are being led “lovingly” to a precipice and she may ask you to jump. She started to see one of my friends and she was sceptical at first but after we sent kids to Grandma's for a weekend and he stayed in the spare bedroom. She’s lovely and we have a good time together but I’m now 35 and she’s 32. }(document, "script", "aweber-wjs-h3gme2pko")); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=%27 type=%27text/javascript%27%3E%3C/script%3E")); Anyone that can’t understand monogamy and the joys of it, shouldn’t get married. As we move closer to female-led societies, I believe that we will become much more accepting of the idea that wives will at some point seek out other sexual partners. It means he doesnt treasure you as his most important treasure only for himself. In my latest book, Don’t Be A Wife To A Boyfriend: 10 Lessons I Learned When I Was Single, I share some of my experiences as a single woman and reflect on some of the decisions I made and the growth that took place, with the hope that I will inspire others going through similar situations. If you win when she wins, watching her find pleasure and love is evidence of her winning. Your happiness is in your service and support to her. This is the USA no one owns anyone. It's perfectly ok I think. My wife came to ME about this entire poly thing. There are just as many women who are not good in the skills of love, sex, and pleasure and if you told your wife that believe me you will have a fight on your hands. Kick her to the curb would be most people’s reply. There are variant forms of open marriage such as swinging and polyamory, each with the partners having varying levels of input on their spouse’s activities. Otherwise, if it makes her happy, it should make you happy. My wife and I have been married for eleven years. I believe at some point she will want a female lover, and I truly want her to be able to enjoy that, and to stand beside (behind?) If this isn’t for you, nobody’s forcing you to stay. Something to think about. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Would he participate in a 3-some with another man? However, I don’t think it is right in a supposedly kink free FLR to say the wife has the right to do something that may be emotionally harmful to he husband. Good luck! She says it is the ultimate in excitement. I am happy with this as it does take away the pressure of my pleasing her sexually, which I found was causing me and her stress. When we go out….she speaks to the Alpha males…..actually they gravitate to her….and I am proud of it…. If you are truly offering her the desires of her heart and she is truly a wise woman, she will never want to leave you for another. I am curious about the comments of ladies. Where she can have a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend. I don’t particularly enjoy dancing but she does love to dance. If a man knows a woman can experience another level of orgasm with a better endowed male, then it serves the relationship by supporting his wife physical needs and shows his is an all encompassiing love for her. tonisissypants 5 years ago. My wife wants a divorce but I don't. It seems that the two of you love each other very much and I wish you the best. A healthy garden will not be overtaken by trash. They are married . A beta husband should not worry if his wife uses the service of an Alpha…Alpha has his place and beta has his own role in a woman’s life, a very important one: make her life easier. If the sides were switched how fast do you think divorce papers would fly? 9 years ago. marriages. So, if you’re in the position where you are saying, “My girlfriend said she’s too busy, ... when a girlfriend says she’s too busy to see her boyfriend, she is trying to avoid him for some reason. try {Histats.start(1,3335244,4,0,0,0,""); What should I do? Can anyone give me a reason with actions like this to try a FLR? By the way, so far only men have commented. You cannot lose because you openly chose to place her happiness first. She has one, and has been dating for last 8 years. Seems to me you are not really comfortable with it. She did it because she knew being cuckolded was a kink for me and the idea of sexual variety turned her on. Or is it only men who are not allowed to ask for them?? Should I try to block her communication with the guy? What? From this arrangement everybody can be happy if there is proper communication. Open marriage is a form of non-monogamy in which the partners of a dyadic marriage agree that each may engage in extramarital sexual relationships, without this being regarded by them as infidelity, and consider or establish an open relationship despite the implied monogamy of marriage. That does not make any sense at all. The fact that he said that he doesn`t want any other woman touching him, says that he would want you to also not want any other man touching you. Sometimes Loving does not come into the FLR of ethical order. "She's literally throwing away our life for this. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; Some men get excited by the idea others not. I know this idea may sting a bit, causing some pain, but I guarantee that a woman would be a fool to leave a man who offers her the world for someone who offers a tiny bit of pleasure. Over the past few months my wife has brought up during passionate times, about feminizing me. If i understand your article on this if the wife wants to take on a lover then that’s ok. @Blaine. ), and if another partner is what fulfills her and makes her happy, we support her choices. People go into open marriages for all the same reasons they go into closed ones (i.e., the kind you’re familiar with), just minus the assumption that both partners will be sexually exclusive to one another. If she cannot offer you confidence that this man won’t be a better match for her than you then you must not accept it within the relationship. I am a alpha male and it is also against my Beliefs. I told why not sleep in spare room for the weekend and she agreed to it. We didn’t have it smooth from dating until the day we got married. Our marriage vows did not limit her in any way, and included my honoring and obeying her. It eventually led to cuddling. I see when the black man picks her up and drops her back home only. Try to be supportive of that. I flew him out the next to the cabin and surprised her but told to take the living room for and that I got them wine and stuff and have fun. Trust that you made a wise decision in choosing her for your life partner and let the chips fall where they may. If she says yes, ask specifically what she plans to do and if she has the means to carry it out. I’m thrilled that she’s enjoying herself and can have the freedom to be flirtatious if she chooses to do so. I am curious however how did the “permanent male chastity” element get involved and how does that change the dynamics of your relationship with her?
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