… They embryos of different vertebrates are very similar during the earliest … Subadult ravens roost together at night, but usually forage alone during the day. [60] Instances of non-monogamy have been observed in common ravens, by males visiting a female's nest when her mate is away. [98], Compared to many smaller Corvus species (such as American crow), ravens prefer undisturbed mountain or forest habitat or rural areas over urban areas. Clapping or clicking has been observed more often in females than in males. [51] However, in Arctic Canada and Alaska, they are found year-round. Group Name for Birds: A Partial List", "University of California Golf Club. [60], Owing to its size, gregariousness and its defensive abilities, the common raven has few natural predators. Metaphysical definition is - of or relating to metaphysics. Their attackers in America have reportedly included great horned owls, northern goshawks, bald eagles, golden eagles and red-tailed hawks. Once paired, they tend to nest together for life, usually in the same location. Ravens have appeared in the works of Charles Dickens,[109] J. R. R. Tolkien,[110] Stephen King,[111] George R. R. Martin[112] and Joan Aiken[113][114][115][116] among others. There are a few records of predation by large birds of prey. [41] Incubation is about 18 to 21 days, by the female only. [100] Ravens generally attack the faces of young livestock, but the more common raven behaviour of scavenging may be misidentified as predation by ranchers. [34] Representative of the size variation in the species, ravens from California weighed an average of 784 g (1.728 lb), those from Alaska weighed an average of 1,135 g (2.502 lb) and those from Nova Scotia weighed an average of 1,230 g (2.71 lb). The following day, a flock of unmated ravens will fly to the carcass and chase off the adults. [15] It is based on the population from Sindh described by Hume in 1873[17] and is sometimes preferred, since the type specimen of subcorax collected by Nikolai Severtzov is possibly a brown-necked raven. [10] An old Scottish word corby or corbie, akin to the French corbeau, has been used for both this bird and the carrion crow. As in traditional mythology and folklore, the common raven features frequently in more modern writings such as the works of William Shakespeare, and, perhaps most famously, in the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe. [78] Plant food includes cereal grains, berries and fruit. Then he sent out a raven, which kept going to and fro until the waters had dried up from the earth. I guess some guys are that way? [32] Lifespans in the wild are considerably shorter at typically 10 to 15 years. [132] The raven is also mentioned in the Quran at the story of Cain and Abel. However, when one discovers a large carcass guarded by a pair of adult ravens, the unmated raven will return to the roost and communicate the find. [104], Ravens, like other corvids, are definitive hosts of West Nile Virus (WNV). [19][20], The common raven evolved in the Old World and crossed the Bering land bridge into North America. They are considered perhaps the primary natural threat to the nesting success of the critically endangered California condor, since they readily take condor eggs and are very common in the areas where the species is being re-introduced. [28][29][30][31] Recorded weights range from 0.69 to 2 kg (1.5 to 4.4 lb),[32][33] thus making the common raven one of the heaviest passerines. The vaccines currently being promoted by the media constitute a literal medical experiment - particularly the genetic ones. [5], The common raven was one of the many species originally described by Carl Linnaeus in his landmark 1758 10th edition of Systema Naturae, and it still bears its original name of Corvus corax. The throat feathers are elongated and pointed and the bases of the neck feathers are pale brownish-grey. Humans are occasionally attacked if they get close to a raven nest, though serious injuries are unlikely. Relationships between common ravens are often quarrelsome, yet they demonstrate considerable devotion to their families. [70], Juveniles begin to court at a very early age, but may not bond for another two or three years. And remember, even the most seasoned designer will try multiple font styles and font combinations before finding the … Some notable feats of problem-solving provide evidence that the common raven is unusually intelligent. [124] There are several references to common ravens in the Old Testament of the Bible and it is an aspect of Mahakala in Bhutanese mythology. They prey on small invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals and birds. Birds in British Columbia lack the pink eyes of an albino, and are instead leucistic, a condition where an animal lacks any of several different types of pigment, not simply melanin. How to use metaphysical in a sentence. One million years ago, a group from the California clade evolved into a new species, the Chihuahuan raven. Browse to the files location on your computer to select the image and press Upload Image button to generate a favicon for your site In Irish mythology, the goddess Morrígan alighted on the hero Cú Chulainn's shoulder in the form of a raven after his death. In the wild, the common raven chooses the best habitat and disperses seeds in locations best suited for its survival.[58]. In their effort to grip us, beginning writers tend to rush: They equate their own adrenaline with that of the reader. [43], White ravens are occasionally found in the wild. [55] Ravens also raid the food caches of other species, such as the Arctic fox. Most common ravens prefer wooded areas with large expanses of open land nearby, or coastal regions for their nesting sites and feeding grounds. [24], One explanation for these genetic findings is that common ravens settled in California at least two million years ago and became separated from their relatives in Europe and Asia during an ice age. Ravens are highly wary around novel carrion sites and, in North America, have been recorded waiting for the presence of American crows and blue jays before approaching to eat. Common ravens have coexisted with humans for thousands of years and in some areas have been so numerous that people have regarded them as pests. For the German band, see, For the butterfly called the common raven, see. Domesticated animals of widely different species seem to share some common ... than their undomesticated cousins. In Pakistan, egg-laying takes place in December. [59] Corticosterone is activated when the bird is exposed to stress, such as migrating great distances. You could adjust the DC accordingly. It supports … [61][62][63][64], In Eurasia, their reported predators include, in addition to golden eagles, Eurasian eagle-owls, white-tailed eagles, Steller's sea-eagles, eastern imperial eagles and gyrfalcons. Experiment 626, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba, and one of the two primary characters of the Lilo & Stitch franchise.Originally created to cause chaos across the galaxy by destroying everything he touches, he is marked by his short temper and mischievous behavior, traits that endear him to his friend Lilo, who adopted him as her "puppy".He is designed to be abnormally … Calls recorded include alarm calls, chase calls, and flight calls. [41] In Tibet, they have been recorded at altitudes up to 5,000 m (16,400 ft), and as high as 6,350 m (20,600 ft) on Mount Everest. While escaping the lawful Galactic Armada, Stitch crash landed on Earth, where he met a lonely girl named Lilo. [40], Apart from its greater size, the common raven differs from its cousins, the crows, by having a larger and heavier black beak, shaggy feathers around the throat and above the beak, and a wedge-shaped tail. [55], In the United Kingdom, the common raven's range has been increasing, though it favours mountainous or coastal terrain, but can also be found in parks with tall trees suitable for use as habitation. Young birds may travel in flocks but later mate for life, with each mated pair defending a territory. Michael Clarke has been focusing on work and his daughter, Kelsey Lee, following his split from Pip Edwards earlier this month. [25], A 2011 study suggested that there are no restrictions on gene flow between the Californian and Holarctic common raven groups, and that the lineages can remerge, effectively reversing a potential speciation. This forms an important part of the evidence on which evolutionary theory rests, demonstrates that evolution does occur, and illustrates the processes that created Earth's biodiversity. So the troll being a Challenge of 5, the DC's should actually be... DC10 (very easy): attacks … [120], The modern unisex given name Raven is derived from the English word "raven". [2], Common ravens are omnivorous and highly opportunistic: their diet may vary widely with location, season and serendipity. These early similarities are evidence that all vertebrates share a common ancestor. There are several reasons for this. He also sent out from himself a dove, to see if the waters had receded from the face of the ground. Space.com is where humanity’s journey to new and exciting worlds is transmitted back down to Earth. In Danish folklore, valravne that ate a king's heart gained human knowledge, could perform great malicious acts, could lead people astray, had superhuman powers, and were "terrible animals".[108]. They display ability in problem-solving, as well as other cognitive processes such as imitation and insight. [48][50] The population sometimes known as the Punjab raven—described as Corvus corax laurencei (also spelt lawrencii or laurencii) by Allan Octavian Hume but more often considered synonymous with subcorax[17]—is restricted to the Sindh district of Pakistan and adjoining regions of northwestern India. "So it came to pass, at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made. When the environment changes in vast degrees, these birds will respond with a stress response. Fledging success was higher for those using human garbage as a food source. Sometimes a combination of two fonts will create a composition that is more than the sum of its parts and other times a font you never think will work is the answer to all your design issues. Evidence of common descent of living organisms has been discovered by scientists researching in a variety of disciplines over many decades, demonstrating that all life on Earth comes from a single ancestor. [128] In Welsh mythology they were associated with the Welsh god Bran the Blessed, whose name translates to "raven." [42], In the Faroe Islands, a now-extinct white-and-black colour morph of this species existed, known as the pied raven. The species has a distinctive, deep, resonant prruk-prruk-prruk call, which to experienced listeners is unlike that of any other corvid. Generator Favicon. Whenever I’ve done this experiment, in almost every instance the result is the same: The “riveting” piece bores, while the “boring” piece holds interest. However, in a 2010 study, it was shown that the California Common Ravens did not have a high positivity rate of WNV.[106]. 45. [24] Thus, the common raven species as traditionally delimited is considered to be paraphyletic. As you can see, the Reconstruction experiment was relatively short-lived in most states, and for many decades the dominant Dunning School of historians held that it was a mistake. And he became repentant. At momondo we believe that everybody should be able to travel the world, to meet other people, and experience other cultures and religions. [71], Breeding pairs must have a territory of their own before they begin nest-building and reproduction, and thus aggressively defend a territory and its food resources. The population in southwestern Europe (including the, From Greece eastwards to northwestern India, Central Asia and western China, though not in the, It is larger than the nominate form, but has relatively short throat feathers (, It is the smallest subspecies, with the shortest throat hackles and a distinctly oily plumage gloss. [38][39] Juvenile plumage is similar but duller with a blue-grey iris. And because the best pieces of advice are often the cheesiest: have fun and experiment! Am I not able to be as this raven and so hide my brother's naked corpse? To reach the food, the bird needed to stand on the perch, pull the string up a little at a time, and step on the loops to gradually shorten the string. As such, they would ordinarily be subject to years of trials and study. … Stitch (also known as Experiment 626) is one of the titular protagonists of the Lilo & Stitch franchise. The maroon star icon which appears next to words throughout this website is intended to designate some of the more commonly used words in the Thai language.Beginning students may wish to focus their studies on these important and useful words. The Genki Girl is a character — usually a schoolgirl, but not always — possessed of an over-abundance of energy, such that she runs everywhere (often with arms waving wildly or outstretched like airplane wings), speaks quickly (sometimes unintelligibly so), and always does everything fast, fast, fast! [102] A hunting bounty as a method of control was historically used in Finland from the mid-18th century until 1923. [129], A legend developed that England would not fall to a foreign invader as long as there were ravens at the Tower of London; although this is often thought to be an ancient belief, the official Tower of London historian, Geoff Parnell, believes that this is actually a romantic Victorian invention. [57] Plans to control the population have included shooting and trapping birds, as well as contacting landfill operators to ask that they reduce the amount of exposed garbage. [90], Common ravens have been observed calling wolves to the site of dead animals. [58] Common ravens are often located in coastal regions because these areas provide easy access to water and a variety of food sources. Aerial acrobatics, demonstrations of intelligence, and ability to provide food are key behaviours of courting. [83] In contrast, a 1984–1986 study of common raven diet in an agricultural region of southwestern Idaho found that cereal grains were the principal constituent of pellets, though small mammals, grasshoppers, cattle carrion and birds were also eaten. [89] Another experiment showed that some common ravens could intentionally deceive their conspecifics. In 1868 Dr John Langdon Down opened Normansfield, a superior institution to many others, offering care, education and training. It continues to be used as a symbol in areas where it once had mythological status: as the national bird of Bhutan[117] (Kings of Bhutan wear the Raven Crown), official bird of the Yukon territory,[118] and on the coat of arms of the Isle of Man (once a Viking colony). The longest known lifespan of a banded wild common raven was 23 years, 3 months. Crows, ravens, magpies, and jays are not just feathered machines, rigidly programmed by their genetics. In colder climates, it is later, e.g. [4] Over the centuries, it has been the subject of mythology, folklore, art, and literature. The phenomenon was recently explored by Dr. Jane Ward in her book Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men, who suggests it's a lot more common than most people may think. [86], Furthermore, there has been research suggesting that the common raven is involved in seed dispersal. Common ravens can cause damage to crops, such as nuts and grain, or can harm livestock, particularly by killing young goat kids, lambs and calves. [41] Flying ravens are distinguished from crows by their tail shape, larger wing area, and more stable soaring style, which generally involves less wing flapping. In many cultures, including the indigenous cultures of Scandinavia, ancient Ireland and Wales, Bhutan, the northwest coast of North America, and Siberia and northeast Asia, the common raven has been revered as a spiritual figure or godlike creature. [88], One experiment designed to evaluate insight and problem-solving ability involved a piece of meat attached to a string hanging from a perch. "Genki" is Japanese for "energetic" or "enthusiastic.". But we actually have much more in common with other nationalities than you’d think. [91] They have also been observed pretending to make a cache without actually depositing the food, presumably to confuse onlookers. [74], In most of their range, egg-laying begins in late February. It has a longish, strongly graduated tail, at 20 to 26.3 cm (7.9 to 10.4 in), and mostly black iridescent plumage, and a dark brown iris. Other: fruit, herbs, roasted (unmalted) barley or wheat, spices, wood; Oxidative/Aged Qualities. [103] Culling has taken place to a limited extent in Alaska, where the population increase in common ravens is threatening the vulnerable Steller's eider (Polysticta stelleri). [14] While some authorities have recognized as many as 11 subspecies,[15] others recognize only eight:[16], The name C. c. laurencei (also spelt lawrencii or laurencii) is sometimes used instead of C. c. Where we vicariously explore the cosmos with astronauts, astrophysicists and enthusiasts. Found across the Northern Hemisphere, it is the most widely distributed of all corvids. According to the Mabinogion, Bran's head was buried in the White Hill of London as a talisman against invasion. The explosion in the common raven population in the Mojave has raised concerns for the desert tortoise, a threatened species. [96][97], They are also one of only a few wild animals who make their own toys. This is a list of experiments from Disney's Lilo & Stitch franchise, most of them making their first appearance in Lilo & Stitch: The Series. In Ravens in Winter, Bernd Heinrich posited that this behaviour evolved to allow the juveniles to outnumber the resident adults, thus allowing them to feed on the carcass without being chased away. The common raven (Corvus corax), also known as the western raven or northern raven when discussing the raven at the subspecies level, is a large all-black passerine bird. Ravens are quite vigorous at defending their young and are usually successful at driving off perceived threats. "[133], A large, black, passerine bird of the Northern Hemisphere, "Corvus corax" redirects here. More rarely still, large mammalian predators such as lynxes, coyotes and cougars have also attacked ravens. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/momondo Twitter: https://twitter.com/momondoGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/+momondoInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/momondo/The film was shot in Vega, Copenhagen, Denmark, and directed by Jeppe Rønde. Scientist Sir Francis Galton was a pioneer in eugenics, coining the term in 1883. Additionally among the Norse, raven banner standards were carried by such figures as the Jarls of Orkney,[125] King Cnut the Great of England, Norway and Denmark,[126] and Harald Hardrada. The Queen’s cousins, Katherine and Nerissa Bowes Lyon lived in the Royal Earlswood. [48] Eggs and hatchlings are preyed on, rarely, by large hawks and eagles, large owls, martens and canids. [94], There has been increasing recognition of the extent to which birds engage in play. They have been observed breaking off twigs to play with socially. There are at least eight subspecies with little variation in appearance, although recent research has demonstrated significant genetic differences among populations from various regions. If a member of a pair is lost, its mate reproduces the calls of its lost partner to encourage its return. [70] They have been observed dropping stones on potential predators that venture close to their nests. Adam's firstborn son Cain kills his brother Abel, but he does not know what to do with the corpse: "Then Allah sent a raven scratching up the ground, to show him how to hide his brother's naked corpse. [80] They sometimes associate with another canine, the grey wolf, as a kleptoparasite, following to scavenge wolf-kills in winter. Ravens also find nesting sites in utility poles and ornamental trees, and are attracted to roadkill on highways. Across its range in the Northern Hemisphere, and throughout human history, the common raven has been a powerful symbol and a popular subject of mythology and folklore. [71] Experiments with baits however show that such recruitment behaviour is independent of the size of the bait. [13], The closest relatives of the common raven are the brown-necked raven (C. ruficollis), the pied crow (C. albus) of Africa, and the Chihuahuan raven (C. cryptoleucus) of the North American Southwest. Boarman, William I. and Heinrich, Bernd (1999), (بَعَثَ اللّهُ غُرَابًا يَبْحَثُ فِي الأَرْضِ لِيُرِيَهُ كَيْفَ يُوَارِي سَوْءةَ أَخِيهِ قَالَ يَا وَيْلَتَا أَعَجَزْتُ أَنْ أَكُونَ مِثْلَ هَذَا الْغُرَابِ فَأُوَارِيَ سَوْءةَ أَخِي فَأَصْبَحَ مِنَ النَّادِمِينَ) Qur'an 5:31, translation: Pickthall, Marmaduke, "Los cuervos pueden ser tan inteligentes como un niño de tres años", "Baltimore Bird Club. The male may stand or crouch over the young, sheltering but not actually brooding them. The common raven (Corvus corax), also known as the western raven or northern raven when discussing the raven at the subspecies level, is a large all-black passerine bird. With large-bodied carrion, which they are not equipped to tear through as well as birds such as hook-billed vultures, they must wait for the prey to be torn open by another predator or flayed by other means. It is one of the two largest corvids, alongside the thick-billed raven, and is possibly the heaviest passerine bird; at maturity, the common raven averages 63 centimetres (25 inches) in length and 1.2 kilograms (2.6 pounds) in mass. All-black carrion crow (C. corone) in Europe may suggest a raven due to their largish bill but are still distinctly smaller and have the wing and tail shapes typical of crows. Can come from hops, malt or … The brain of the common raven is among the largest of any bird species. [81] Ravens are regular predators at bird nests, brazenly picking off eggs, nestlings and sometimes adult birds when they spot an opportunity. Through Lilo's love and guidance, Stitch abandoned his evil programming … [6] It is the type species of the genus Corvus, derived from the Latin word for 'raven'. [119], In Persia and Arabia the raven was held as a bird of bad omen but a 14th-century Arabic work reports use of the raven in falconry. [46], The common raven can thrive in varied climates; indeed this species has the largest range of any member of the genus,[47][48] and one of the largest of any passerine. Types of the Corvidae", "The distribution and nidification of the Indian (Punjab) Raven (, "Cryptic genetic variation and paraphyly in ravens", "Another rare white raven born this year on Canadian beach", "Bird notes from the Mount Everest expedition of 1924", "Winter Food Habits of Ravens on the Arctic Slope of Alaska", "Raven | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust", "Scientists Estimate Risk of Raven Predation on Desert Tortoises in the Western Mojave Desert", "Food habits of the northern Bald Eagle in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska", "Quelques données sur le Hibou grand-duc (, "Gyrfalcon nesting behavior from hatching to fledging", "The apparent use of rocks by a raven in nest defense", "Diet of Common Ravens on El Hierro, Canary Islands", "Winter food habits of Ravens on the Arctic Slope of Alaska", "Some early summer food preferences of the American Raven in southeastern Oregon", "Nest-site Biology of the California Condor", "Diet composition of common ravens across the urban-wildland interface of the West Mojave Desert", 10.2193/0091-7648(2004)32[244:DCOCRA]2.0.CO;2, "Spatial and temporal patterns in the diet of Common Ravens in southwestern Idaho", "An Experimental Investigation of Insight in Common Ravens (, "Leading a conspecific away from food in ravens (, "Abundance and distribution of the common raven and American Crow in the San Francisco Bay area, California", "Hunting bounties as a key measure of historical wildlife management and game conservation: Finnish bounty schemes 1647–1975", "Evaluating wildlife-cattle contact rates to improve the understanding of dynamics of bovine tuberculosis transmission in Michigan, USA", "Differential Impact of West Nile Virus on California Birds", "The Folklore of Northeastern Asia, as Compared with That of Northwestern America", "Tower's raven mythology may be a Victorian flight of fantasy", Ageing and sexing (PDF; 3.1 MB) by Javier Blasco-Zumeta & Gerd-Michael Heinze, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Common_raven&oldid=1007979486, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles containing Old Norse-language text, Articles containing Old High German (ca. Although their typical lifespan is considerably shorter, common ravens can live more than 23 years in the wild,[2] which among passerines only is surpassed by a few Australian species such as the satin bowerbird[3] and probably the lyrebirds. [49] They range throughout the Holarctic from Arctic and temperate habitats in North America and Eurasia to the deserts of North Africa, and to islands in the Pacific Ocean. [84], One behaviour is recruitment, where juvenile ravens call other ravens to a food bonanza, usually a carcass, with a series of loud yells. [19] The voice of ravens is also quite distinct, its usual call being a deep croak of a much more sonorous quality than a crow's call. [27] The study did not include any individuals from the North African population,[27] and its position is therefore unclear, though its morphology is very close to the population of the Canaries (to the extent that the two are often considered part of a single subspecies). A favicon (short for favorites icon), are litle icons associated with a particular website or webpage, shown next to the sites name in the URL bar of most browsers. Birds from colder regions such as the Himalayas and Greenland are generally larger with slightly larger bills, while those from warmer regions are smaller with proportionally smaller bills. [18], The population restricted to the Sindh district of Pakistan and adjoining regions of northwestern India is sometimes known as the Punjab raven. Common ravens usually travel in mated pairs, although young birds may form flocks. It is possible that the two hawk species only attack young ravens; in one instance a peregrine falcon swooped at a newly fledged raven but was chased off by the parent ravens. It has a large body and the largest bill, its plumage is strongly glossed, and its throat hackles are well developed. They even engage in games with other species, such as playing catch-me-if-you-can with wolves, otters and dogs. [52][53][54] Young birds may disperse locally. Share this video, and help us spread the word – and open our world. For more about our vision, please visit: www.momondo.com/letsopenourworldmomondo is a free, independent global travel search site comparing billions of cheap flights, hotels and car hire deals. Earlier editions had a frequency scale such as common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and mythical. The adults, which are very rarely preyed upon, are often successful in defending their young from these predators, due to their numbers, large size and cunning. Its very wide and complex vocabulary includes a high, knocking toc-toc-toc, a dry, grating kraa, a low guttural rattle and some calls of an almost musical nature. [101], In the western Mojave Desert, human settlement and land development have led to an estimated 16-fold increase in the common raven population over 25 years. [72], Females lay between three and seven pale bluish-green, brown-blotched eggs. Condors, despite their large size, do not seem to have well developed nest defenses. Bickerton argues that the advent of linguistic displacement was perhaps the most important event in the evolution of human language, and that ravens are the only other vertebrate to share this with humans. [75], Common ravens can be very long-lived, especially in captive or protected conditions; individuals at the Tower of London have lived for more than 40 years. Predators of its eggs include owls, martens, and sometimes eagles. Despite their bulk, ravens are easily as agile in flight as their smaller cousins. They stay with their parents for another six months after fledging. "[131] The raven is mentioned 12 times in the Bible. Part of their success as a species is due to their omnivorous diet: they are extremely versatile and opportunistic in finding sources of nutrition, feeding on carrion, insects, cereal grains, berries, fruit, small animals, nesting birds, and food waste. She said he was paralyzed from ball pain and thats why he stopped fighting it. Common ravens prey upon juvenile tortoises, which have soft shells and move slowly. [105] The transmission can be from infected birds to humans, and ravens are susceptible to WNV. He is an illegal, genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba, whose primary function was to destroy everything he touches. This principally occurs at a nest site and when other prey for the carnivores are scarce. Common adjuncts include: candy sugar, honey, molasses, refined sugar, treacle, maple syrup; Unmalted starchy adjuncts: oats, rye, wheat, corn/maize, rice Note: Many of these grains can be malted to create unique flavors compared to their unmalted counterparts. It was here, also, that Dr John Langdon Down described the condition that is now known as Down’s syndrome. April in Greenland and Tibet. These fictional experiments, also referred to as Stitch's cousins, are genetically engineered creatures created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba in his lab at "Galaxy Defense Industries", with the assistance of Dr. Jacques von Hämsterviel who funded the projects with "shady" … Towns, landfills, sewage treatment plants and artificial ponds create sources of food and water for scavenging birds.
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