You don’t have to use a doll to trap Strahd, of course. Has anyone ever used the Sanity optional rule in 5e as a conversion from the AD&D 2e Fear and Horror checks system? Crixus, the PC, will then be NPC'd as General Crixus in Sauron's new campaign, to turn Barovia into Sauron's "New Moria". This happens not because the candidates actually are inferior, but because subconsciously Strahd doesn't want to give up his power. The players get to have plot. And if they succeed, they’ll be as trapped in Barovia as Strahd was. It’s not impossible that players may be able to change his heart, but I think it’s pretty improbable. However, that is entirely my preference. If you use a lot of the advice I write here, you should prepare for that as well. If it helps, I did start them all at level 1, asked that all backstories tie somehow to the town of Daggersford, I restricted races to classical fantasy (PHB) races and no evil alignments allowed. I'm looking for special mages to totally not use to death.". I think of this like a video game with multiple endings. The current version is unreadable. I personally pushed the dates back farther to about 700 years. Even if he weren't immortal from his connection to Vampyr, a team of level 20 PCs would have trouble fighting him. There's actually no mention of them in the CoS campaign book. This is a wonderful DM resource! This is the second guide I write after a very successful Out of the Abyss guide. He's the one that has to be defeated when the credits roll. Imagine that! In my game you have to create a plausible and deep backstory to play. Or, sometimes, less flattering terms. On the other hand, this turns literally the entire campaign into a series of leveling side quests, all meant to make the PCs powerful enough to beat Strahd. This power is why Strahd has control over the elements and weather in Barovia. For flavor, you may even want to add another related NPC somewhere. This is the option I find the most interesting. Because of the Fanes of Barovia. Thank you for your hard work, CoS is a hell of a campaign and I believe you make it better by giving us some things to think about and use. Players face Strahd and Vampyr in Castle Ravenloft. My name is Mandy and I'm here to help you run Curse of Strahd. Thank you for helping this begginer GM with running their first big campaign. Most likely, your players are going to want to know why they’re trapped in Barovia. We're adding new quests, special events, more history, and a TAROKKA READING to the Werewolf Den in Curse of Strahd! Get the WRITTEN guide on Patreon! Basically, they need to start the apocalypse to stop the apocalypse. One of the biggest problems I’ve had with this campaign is getting the characters to actually care about saving Barovia. Strahd … I was actually looking for that link ages ago, but got sidetracked. You can base one off one of the vestiges in the Amber Temple, as well. Not necessarily. The Amber Temple will tell the players how to reconsecrate the Fanes, weakening Strahd, and how to unhook Strahd from Vampyr, making Strahd permanently killable. This page is a gateway for my guide to Curse of Strahd, it’s separated by articles and goes into depth on game design and prep for the CoS campaign. Yes, Strahd is an amazing villain and I love him to pieces. When I finished P.N. That required clue hunting is exactly what Curse of Strahd lacks. Simple, clean, and easy to remember. If you're new to the campaign, welcome! • Curse of Strahd™ appendix A • Monster Manual™ appendix A (beasts only) • Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide™ (see the sidebar) Official documentation, such as a D&D Adventurers League certificate, might provide exceptions to the allowed rules. I am preparing to run CoS and this is a great aid! They’re very powerful, usually sinister beings. Really love how you've given the campaign and actual plot to work around. Vampyr has gotten bored with his current champion, but wants to torture him in a different way, so he will make Sauron his new champion for a while. *eye sparkle*). So long as Strahd feels like a concrete, immovable fixture in Barovia, he can be as old as you want him to be so long as he fits okay into the general history. However, the truth be known, his mother was an exiled Vistani, being so because she fell in love with a high elf from the Moonshea Isles on Toril who was brought with his adventuring parents at a young age. RIP my game. Most good stories, be they in dnd, a movie, book, or otherwise, slowly unravel a mystery for the viewer to discover. Here's a higher resolution map of Ravenloft/Barovia. "The Core" is the official name of the dimension in which Barovia is located. It's a name they'll only learn in the last stage of the campaign, making things a bit more surprising. He does have an article exclusively dedicated to running Death House , Curse of Strahd ‘s optional introduction for fast-tracking the players up from level one to three in a couple … On the opposite end, if you make encounters too easy, your players will likely get bored and you certainly don't want that. If a Dark Power chooses a character as their champion, the character will gain great power and may supplant both Strahd and Vampyr as rulers of Barovia. She was cornered, and summoned her last bit of Vistani magic to have the mists take them to Toril, where they happened to come by Waterdeep. The following is the most succinct, but still understandable way I can answer those questions. Strahd is absolutely immortal and therefore the characters will never be able to leave Barovia.
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