Movie houses are far more capacious in the Philippines because video players are fewer and less available to the people who have far lesser income than in the Netherlands. In his article on post-colonialism, E. San Juan, a Filipino literary writer, strongly posits, “the inhabitants of the islands called the “Philippines” have acquired an identity, a society and a culture not totally of their making . The import of the term has evolved over time, from having signified a militaristic dominance, then a geopolitical dominance, and finally a cultural dominance. Definitely, there is strong US cultural influence in the Netherlands. The author examines the social relations, cultural meanings and political struggles surrounding the rise of sugar haciendas on Negros during the late Spanish colonial period, and their subsequent transformation under the aegis of the American colonial … This text illuminates the oral traditions of the Philippines and the convergence of capitalism and the indigenous spirit world. I hope that these can help sharpen your understanding of what I have discussed at length. From a Eurocentric viewpoint, the Philippines is in the Far East. Writers and artists patterned their works after US literary and artistic models. When the fascist regime started to crumble and eventually fell in the ’80s, the revolutionary mass movement and the cultural movement that it nurtured came out strongly and brilliantly. Since then, the study programs and textbooks have been ideologically designed and directed by US educational advisors, visiting professors and their Filipino sidekicks and have been financed by grants under the US Agency for International Development (AID) and its predecessor agencies, under US Public Law 480 and under a variety of US foundations like Ford and Rockefeller. Scholarships and study travel grants under the Fulbright and Smith-Mundt programs, the private US foundations, US-based religious organizations and direct exchange relations between US and Philippine universities and other institutions have been exceedingly important in determining or influencing the mode of thinking of university professors and their students. The term hegemony is today often used as shorthand to describe the relatively dominant position of a particular set of ideas and their associated tendency to become commonsensical and intuitive, thereby inhibiting the dissemination or even the articulation of … At this historical stage of the Philippine revolution it is clear that the working class leads the people and that they are constituted mainly by the workers and peasants in the overwhelming majority. The print and electronic mass media have been nationalized since 1972 and are again under the pressure of de-nationalization. Developing Indicators for the Administration of Cultural Development in the Philippines Culture can be considered as the fourth pillar of sustainability (Hawkes, 2001), the means and end of development (UNESCO, 1996), and both context for development and missing factor in development policies (Pattanaik, 1997). It is the same section that has always tended to be subservient to the United States and the local exploiting classes. The national-democratic revolution programmatically takes up political, economic and cultural issues to arouse, organize and mobilize the people. In the middle of the performance, the music is broken with noisy sounds of glasses being broken or distorted voices shouting to segue another set of exhibitions that serves to break the monotony of the dance. Coca Cola, McDonald’s and Marlboro are popular brands. The following are illustrative examples of hegemony. This eventually became the main engine for the establishment of the Kabataang Makabayan (KM – Patriotic Youth), a comprehensive organization of young workers and peasants, students and young professionals on 30 November 1964. It did so by super-imposing itself on and penetrating the priorly existing colonial and feudal culture and on the folk culture of precolonial Philippines. Anticommunism has become the pretext for continuing US domination of the Philippines, preserving the unjust colonial system of the big compradors and landlords and for suppressing the national and democratic aspirations of the people. It began as a search for the country’s most entertaining acts but soon has metamorphosed into a hit variety program that primarily features dance groups from all over the country. So far, I have not yet made even a rough estimate of the degree of addiction to such programs in the Netherlands and the Philippines. This figure is dismal enough, but the reality is so much worse. The political, economic and cultural leaders were trained and prepared for the shift from a colonial to a neo-colonial arrangement. East of the Philippines is the vast Pacific Ocean and some thousands of kilometers away in the same direction is the United States of America. WESTERN HEGEMONY AND RESISTANCE: RECONSTRUCTING AND REDEEMING THE FILIPINO IDENTITY THROUGH TELEVISION ENTERTAINMENTMark Preston S. Lopez INTRODUCTION. To achieve economic and political control, the United States had to exercise cultural control over the Filipino people. It is a close all-round US ally and one of the major US allies in the colonial, imperialist and neo-colonial exploitation of 20th century Asia, in the cold war of the bygone bipolar world and in the current new world disorder. Anticommunism which first became pronounced in the ’30s became even more amplified as a crucial component of colonial mentality and it intensified after World War II in reaction to the communist-led national liberation movement in the Philippines and to the socialist countries and the national liberation movements in Asia and elsewhere in the world. Northward are Taiwan and Japan and southward are East Malaysia and Indonesia, with which you are very familiar in Dutch history. Some elements in this section of the petty-bourgeoisie appeared to be Left in the past, especially in the fight against the Marcos fascist regime, but upon the frustration of their illusions of quick victory in the revolution they have openly taken a Rightist position. The Netherlands is far more independent because it is a well developed industrial country and is even a neocolonial power on its own account. It is connected with the legal democratic mass movement based in the urban areas as well as with the people’s war based in the countryside. Cultural hybridization is the blending of elements from different cultures. It must do away with the deadening weight of feudal and semi-feudal culture, release the people from the bondage that is due to superstition, lack of education and miseducation and avail itself of the scientific advances in the world. But in fact news and features in the bourgeois mass media are characterized by selectivity and a slant against those who oppose the dominance of foreign monopoly capital and local reaction. The martial law regime forced KM and all the legal patriotic and progressive cultural organizations into the underground. The cold war became a driving force in American cultural imperialism in the Philippines. Brief Primer on the History and Culture of the Philippines. With the evolvement of television in Philippine society through the years, it has catered to the Filipino propensity for entertainment and this craving has further led to the production of a television culture among Filipinos. Filipinos assert for a rich cultural heritage as a legacy of their openness to their foreign masters that produced a rich colonial heritage. The cultural cadres secretly wrote and circulated their poems, plays, short stories and novels. There have been many cases of Catholic priests’ disregard for cultural heritage in the parishes to which they have been assigned, including the modification of old structures, relics, and traditional religious practices. II. Hollywood films, American pop music, dances and clothes fashion and Philippine imitation of these became the craze in the archipelago. In precolonial Philippines, small autonomous societies of patriarchal slavery prevailed among the predominant Malays. The concept of hegemony played a significant part in the development of cultural studies and was a core concept of the field during the 1970s and 1980s. The Filipino people and the revolutionary forces valiantly fought the militarily superior US forces. For instance, the increasing preference of university teachers for Tagalog as medium of instruction and radio broadcasters for Philippine music in Tagalog were reversed. In the case of a neo-colony like the Philippines, the English language is in fact dominant over what is formally recognized as the national language and is a vehicle of ideas, attitudes and tastes that subordinate the people to US power. When the music reverts to its previous beat, the group moves in synchrony until the performance comes to a conclusion. Its gross national income is about Php 3,089 billion. But within the Netherlands and among the Dutch people, the Dutch language is prevalent and dominant over any foreign language in all fields of activity. Nonetheless, Filipino owners, broadcast managers and editors have colonial mentality and use either canned US-made or Filipino-made features and programs aping the current US trend or fashion. The Malays were the most exposed to the control and influence of Spanish colonialism and Catholicism from the late 16th century to the end of the 19th century. Also, these segments have been added to enable the show to consume its regular two-hour time allocation. In Marxist philosophy, cultural hegemony is the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class which manipulates the culture of that society — the beliefs and explanations, perceptions, values, and mores — so that the imposed, ruling-class worldview becomes the accepted cultural norm; [need quotation to verify] the universally valid dominant ideology, …
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