Dominican amber is particularly good to give to sailors, along with aquamarine and larimar. Also aids in depression due to frustration and cleans the blood. Blue stones are often found as the treasures or weapons of Abiku. Discover (and save!) Oshun is commonly called the river orisha, or goddess, in th. It is very energetically “heavy”, so use sparingly, especially when it will be worn near the head, neck, and spine. If you’re curious about what you saw in one does, here are some answers. Very radioactive stones should be left in the ground. We also offer a special Prayer to each crystal and include it with every order. gold – sacred to Orun and Oshun, it helps to attract success and heighten the charisma and endurance of happy people so they don’t get discouraged. | Orisha Online Altar. Clean a new home by putting a chunk of it in the corners. Oshun Altar . Blend in a base of grapeseed oil to honor the love goddess Oshun. Place 5 peacock feathers in a crystal vase. When properly blessed, they help a man to keep the upper hand and protect themselves from women’s love spells. Kunapipi – At least one stone from Australia. It can also be used as a homing stone for Spirits. 99. All Rights Reserved. In truth there are variations of oshinshín that can be made for other orishas too by modifying the ingredients a bit. I like to place a small dish of assorted stones on the altar to represent Gaia, the Earth, Hathor – Boji Stone, a dish of brightly coloured stones (yellow, orange, green etc), Blue Lace Agate, Black Star Diopside, Obsidian, Hebe – Agate, Angelite, Bloodstone, Green Diopside, Hematite, Yellow Jasper, Hecate – Dark stones such as Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Black Obsidian, Hestia – Fire Agate, Ruby, Sulphur, Tiger Eye, Inanna – Amber, Kunzite, Obsidian, Labradorite, Ishtar – Quartz Crystal, Moonstone, Garnet, Juno – Garnet, Boji Stone, Carnelian,Chrysocolla,Citrine, Kali – Black stones, especially Black Obsidian, Fire Agate, Sulphur, Alexandrite, Charoite, Unakite, Kore – Air magick stones such as Amber, Celestite, Herkimer Diamond, Sodalite, Kuan-Yin (aka Quan Yin and Kwannon) – Rose Quartz, Selenite, Quartz Crystal, Rutilated Quartz, Topaz. glass – sacred to Ogun, glass is an amplifier of the properties of other crystals, and a container for energy corresponding to its color and chemicals and minerals used to color it. Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. amber – sacred to Yemaya/Olokun and Oshun, it wards off negativity, and can be charged with various emotions. See this brilliant page on the meta-science of columbite-tantalite. Developed by TILT Creative Agency. Colors: Yellow and gold Element: Water Altar: Upon a cloth of yellow and gold set six yellow candles, a pot of honey, many ornaments of gold and brass, peacock and vulture feathers, golden coins, a glass of river water, a bottle of honey brandy, peaches, and pumpkin seeds. Calendar of the Sun 5 Thrimilchimonath. uranium glass – sacred to Ogun, uranium is present in safe, small amounts in nearly all minerals, and is not supposed to be extracted for non medical applications. topaz – a power stone for when you need a particular kind of energy fast, turquoise – mainly used for protection, and also helps to stabilize relationships. Also, if you have any comments or notes to add, feel free. I appreciate! In Africa, efun is made from snail shells or sea shells. It’s season is winter. | Orisha Online Altar, Yemaya, Olokun, and Yam Ebbo Hosted by Ile Baalat Teva, December 24, 2019, Family Protection and Dealing With Hostile Intruders, March 2019, Ebbo for Yewa, Orisha Of the Underworld, Decay, And the Process Of Fermentation – October 30, 2018, Ebbo for Shango Hosted by Ile Baalat Teva, October 11, 2018, Ebbo for Oshun, Hosted by Ile Baalat Teva, September 17, 2018. Copyright ©2012 - 2021 Luna's Grimoire. All Rights Reserved. Yemoja Orisha represents the water element and it is cold and wet in nature. Oya Orisha represents the wind, or air element and is hot and wet in nature. Oshun is the youngest goddess. glass – sacred to Ogun, glass is an amplifier of the properties of other crystals, and a container for energy corresponding to its color and chemicals and minerals used to color it. East coast and islands African diaspora magick and sorcery. It may be one of the esoteric meanings behind the stories of Ogun’s rape of Yemaya. Attracts lust, and puts passion into love. First Name. Oshun Oil Recipe 2. Begin with a gold altar cloth. Clean a surface, preferably in a bedroom. sphene (titanite) – sacred to Orun, it helps one to focus and concentrate on a task or mission. Indio 7DAY Candle-OSHUN Yellow:Orishas 7 Day Glass Candle Oshun - Yellow. Any and all opinions expressed belong to the author and do not represent or reflect the opinions of Luna's Grimoire. Deposit gifts for Yemaya in flowing streams or rivers. Learn About Oshun and her Sweet waters. Oshun is a Love Goddess and the Essence of the Arts, a dancer, creator, magician…. Just a warning before you read on, none of this is intended to be a substitute for medical care or consultation with a qualified mystic. This article is just for information purposes so that you have some idea what your priest/ess or counselor is doing for you. Below you’ll find my top 7 crystals that are ideal to use in your inner work practices. It is responsible for the winds of change, and is associated with the color reddish-brown. Also a good homing stone for masculine water Spirits. Authors and Artists retain the copyright for their work(s) on this website. FREE Shipping. It can also be used as a homing stone for Spirits. charcoal and ashes – the charcoal or ashes of various plants are used to mark the body and heal ailments(usually some sort of mineral deficiency). Uranium glass is generally safe, but mystically, it is an abomination. Crystals In African and Diaspora Mysticism. niobium and columbite-tantalite ore – sacred to Ogun, it increases emotional and psychic flexibility and endurance. Your email address will not be published. Smoky quartz is one of the best healing crystals for protection, as it can act as a shield against unwanted negative energy. This fierce warrior can summon a gentle breeze or a devastating hurricane, depending on her mood. This mesmerizing pyramid features a gold Seed of Life charm in the center surrounded by a layer of tiger eye gemstones. 4.5 out of 5 stars 65. Artemis – Quartz Crystal, Garnet Asherah – Boji Stone, Epidote, Staurolite, Alexandrite, Charoite, Unakite Astarte – Rose Quartz, Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Fire Agate, a dish of red and white stones Athena – Green Apophylite, Red Calcite, Aragonite, Selenite Meditating while holding this crystal in your hand can help you identify and let go of stale, sticky patterns and beliefs that are holding you back. Also used to suck the evil out of people or close doors that are currently open and allowing them to harm others. They had control over all things on earth. Crystal: Rose Quartz Clear Quartz Points Smoky Quartz Amazonite Pyrite Kyanite Chips Aventurine Apatite Tiger's Eye Lapis Lazuli 1" - 2" Selenite ... Oshun Yoni Care Newsletter. And we will pat this cat once for every new registration 😸(it's Luna's cat, Charms). She is the goddess of love and fertility! It’s one of those stones with a “handle with care” warning. anhydrite, called “angelite” when blue – although the new age scene has decided this stone is all positive, it can serve as a beacon for the unquiet dead. Crystals, minerals, fossils, meteorites, tumbled stones, and rough stones. Use the search bar to find anything on the website. Eureka! Please seek professional help where required. Tourmaline, Fluorite, Shekinah – Fluorite (I like to use a small Fluorite sphere but any Fluorite will be fine), Sophia – Fluorite (especially purple and blue), Tanit – Sunstone and Moonstone (together if possible), Tara – Ametrine, Orange Aventurine, Gem Silica, Chrysocolla, Themis – Boji Stone, Chrysocolla, Jade, Citrine, Epidote, Venus – Any large stone near a tree, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Yhi – Angelite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Australian stones, Epidote. alum – a good deodorant for people of African descent who find others irritating or allergy inducing, it also tightens up other things…and wards off “evil eye”. Offerings: Pumpkin seeds, yellow or orange fruit, … Nothing is free, however: if utilizing Oshun’s services, be sure to speak to her first, explaining that you would like her to deliver your offering to Yemaya. This is a quick guide to the mystical properties of crystals and minerals in the context of African and Diaspora mysticism. Variety of raw crystals. Dec 5, 2019 - Explore Samantha duffy's board "oshun prayer and altar" on Pinterest. Oshinshín (or Ochinchín) is a simple and effective offering to make for Oshun, and it is one of her favorites. Blue and green amber are particularly rare, and help to draw powerful yet peaceful, loving energy. Subscribe to the Oshun Yoni Care Newsletter to stay updated on deals, product releases and important event information. Sacred Source. Lakshmi – Citrine, Gold, Silver, Diamond, precious stones, Morgan – Larimar, Aquamarine, Blue Calcite, White Coral, Moonstone, Morganite, Morrigan – Scapolite, Amber, Kunzite, Obsidian, Morganite, The Muses – Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Blue Lace Agate, Nephthys – Amazonite, Chiastolite, Scapolite, Nut – Amber, Celestite, Herkimer Diamond, Sodalite, Oshun – White Coral, Watermelon Tourmaline, Blue Calcite, Aquamarine, Copper, Ostara (aka Eostre) – Pyrite, Sunstone, Prase, Oya – Dark red stones (such as Ruby, garnet, Red Jasper), Parvati – Crazy lace Agate, Honey Calcite, Ruby, Rutilated Quartz, Pele – Fire Agate, Ruby, Sulphur, Tiger Eye, Tiger Iron, Rhiannon – Danburite, Sapphire, Howlite, Jade, Sarasvati – Aquamarine, Blue Calcite, White Coral, Watermelon moonstone – sacred to Osu and Auset, it calls the energy of the moon, increases femininity and feminine intuition. Aphrodite – Rose Quartz, Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Ariadne – Angelite, Blue Apatite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Asherah – Boji Stone, Epidote, Staurolite, Alexandrite, Charoite, Unakite, Astarte – Rose Quartz, Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Fire Agate, a dish of red and white stones, Athena – Green Apophylite, Red Calcite, Aragonite, Selenite, Baba Yaga – Amazonite, Chiastolite, Prase, Scapolite, Bast – Fire Agate, Pyrite, Sunstone, Agate, Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Blodewedd – Amazonite, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Epidote, Branwen – Rose Quartz, Green Apophylite, Aquamarine, Brigid – Gold, Angelite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Cailleach – Quartz Crystal, Labradorite, Stones from the beach or river, or dug from the garden, Ceres – Angelite, Sodalite, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Selenite, Cerridwen – Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Charoite, Unakite, Cybele – Boji Stone, Epidote, Staurolite, Red Quartz, a dish of earthy coloured stones or stones dug from the garden, Demeter – Crocoite, Red Jasper, Boji Stone, Moss Agate, Green Fluorite, Durga – Larimar, Yellow Apatite, Carnelian, Ereskigal – Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Gaia – All stones are from the earth, so use any you wish. With overexposure it can cause overexcitability or obsession. Healing Crystals was founded in 2003 with the goal of providing affordable and quality crystals worldwide. Black sea amber is a strong protection tool. Crystalized Constellation. She is the goddess who brings you love in every way – especially the love within yourself. Jul 17, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Marcus Poledica. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Watermelon tourmaline helps to manage or heal conditions affecting the immune system. She especially watches over the poor and brings them what they need. If In modern African mysticism, it is considered sacred to Obatala and/or the cosmic/universal Ogun. cobalt (blue) – sacred to Yemaya/Olokun, it is used to hypnotize, remind one of the sea, as a homing mineral for water Spirits, and to dispell the evil eye by reminding people of our common origin. Oshu'gun Crystal Fragment is a quest item needed for Stealing from Thieves. Oshun is a particularly sensous goddess and has been associated with many lover and husbands. kyanite – sacred to Yemaya, calms a person down and helps them to organize their thoughts, induces happiness, helps in meditation, concentration, and reduces test anxiety. Some believe that uranium is a part of the cycle of life and matter that causes things to be able to decay and crumble, so to extract and concentrate it of course accelerates things’ destruction. Items needed: A 1 inch cinnamon stick, 3 guinea peppers, 3 English peppers (allspice), 3 coffee beans; a vanilla bean cut into 3 pieces, or 3 cloves for Eshu gagate (also called jet, black amber, black earth amber, or azabache) – an extremely strong protection against “evil eye” and negative spells. Tap into the African roots and discover a deity like no other! In her form of the diviner She is the wife or lover of Orunmila, the first prophet of Ifa divination. red clay – used in ritual face painting to symbolize fire or blood, or as a beauty enhancement. your own Pins on Pinterest The chapters of this grimoire are below. sapphire (blue) – sacred to Olokun and Damballah, helps with balance, meditation, mental clarity, and decisiveness. Small Feng Shui Egypt Egyptian Crystal Rainbow Pyramid Healing Prizm Amulet 2" H. 5 out of 5 stars (1) Total Ratings 1, $7.99 New. tourmaline – sacred to Oya, Ayida Wedo, and the literal Rainbow Serpent animal Spirit. See more ideas about oshun, oshun prayer, oshun goddess. Some talismans that are hundreds of years old are still being worn for normal wear by the great great grandchildren of those who first received them. Perhaps some saw the penetration of iron meteorites into the earth as this happening. Olive Colored Crystals Bring You Awakening, Exuberance, Learning, and Meaning. Olive colored crystals help focus and enhance our early efforts to seek wisdom, lighting our path to understanding. Copyright ©2012 - 2021 Luna's Grimoire. If placed on a ring, it is best to wear this on the receiving hand rather than the giving hand until it is needed. The bright yellow represents the offering of Honey to the Oshun (Orisha's). Added in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Oshun is the African Yoruba goddess of love, fresh waters, and fertility. She is known for healing the sick and bringing fertility and prosperity. Often seen as the Aphrodite of the Orishas, Oshun is called upon for guidance in love and desire. It is also kept in a room to repel negative energy and evil eye. Oya is the ruler of storms and the winds, the protector of cemeteries and the patroness of the marketplace. garnet (dark red almandine and pyrope) – sacred to Oya, it represents the “eye of the storm”. salt – cleans, purifies, and dries. Another practical use is of colloidial silver to help wounds heal by blocking microbes. It is very helpful in trance/visionary work, and healing those with a damaged femininity or feminine side. 5 out of 5 stars (60) 60 reviews $ 5.00. She is a Divine Mother goddess, very connected to her own sensuality and sexuality. You've found it -, with a large inventory of healing crystals and stones, serving the metaphysical community and collectors. So if you receive a piece of uranium glass, the best thing you can do is bury it. A week from now on February 21st, a priest and healer, Afimaye Galarraga, with House of Intuition will create a sacred portal to the deity Oshun. Welcome to Luna's Grimoire! obsidian (black) – used for protection and reflecting negative energy back to the sender. What did he know about running the universe? The ma'har offer you a bunch of mounts as well 8 in total + the 2 from halaa that I'm sure most of you are looking to get from Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample for a total of 10 mounts for farming the same mobs is most defenatly the most effeciant way to go. Yemaya’s fellow water spirit, Oshun, spirit of sweet waters, will accept offerings on her behalf. Chango is the … white clay – used in ritual face and body painting to signify connection to the ancestors, death, or the dead, Pingback: How are crystals used in Vodun and diaspora systems? copper – sacred to Ogun and Oya, helps to channel and direct energy. Some ashes are used as sunscreen, while others are used to indicate mourning or connection with the Ancestors. meteorite – iron from meteorites was used to make spear tips, and later by some for sacred spears, arrowheads, and other blades. The Kongo got white chalk/kaolin clay from the banks of streams. It is the Mother of Waters, and is associated with the color blue and crystal. Required fields are marked *. how crystals are used in aggressive magick, this brilliant page on the meta-science of columbite-tantalite, How are crystals used in Vodun and diaspora systems? she is the very vibrance of life! Click on the + button to expand. To the above formula, add rose petals for enhancing love, and patchouli leaves for enhancing passion. Crystal for Past-Life Healing ExtraterrestrialsCerussite – Helps to explore past lives that were not on earth, and in recognizing people from past lives and the place they hold in the present.Explains why you choose to come to earth, the lessons you are learning, the task you have to do, and the gifts you bring to advance the evolution of humanity. The right ingredients do make a difference, so if you’re the DIY type, it helps to know what you’re doing. Flour and starches are also used as chalk sometimes. $14.99 $ 14. He sat so far away. silver – cleans, purifies, and protects. Oshun teaches us the world will be in disorder as long as women and children are disrespected, neglected and abused. Start with 5 hen eggs, a … In this sacred gathering, you will be calling upon this deity to manifest love. return it to the Earth. Only found in the Dominican Republic, this stone is used mainly for healing, serenity, and curing irrational mental distress and paranoia. Oshun’s Day. Cascarilla is a chalk made from egg shells, and is widely used in the diaspora. Purveyors of crystals … We sort, pick and pack all of our crystals with great care. The information on this website is for educational purposes only. I often use crystals to enhance my feeling of being grounded, centered, and connected to my Soul. It is an excellent gift for a maker of mystical items, as it helps them to stay spiritually connected and inspired while they are working. In Obeah, their psychological significance and how they act on the psyche through light play and even taste and texture are also very important. Increases fertility and confidence. She helps to support those who are going through a period of growth and transition. Star rubies are especially useful to help men not to be overly vulnerable to womens’ charms. Our Mission is to "Promote Education and the Use of Crystals to Support Healing". larimar – sacred to Oloaina, Aganju, Yemaya, and Olokun. It is looted from . Also, we know that you peek in your mojo bags if we don’t seal or sew them shut. Though the mystical/metaphysical properties are generally the same, they may have different uses that are less…generalized. Used with kyanite, it helps reduce drama in relationships without killing the passion. If you are wealthy, you should always serve guests in your home water in cobalt blue glasses whether they ask for it or not. The Cat is a carnivorous mammal of the subspecies Felis silvestris catus. If you are a novice or do not have experienced mentors or elders, you should also take a look at how crystals are used in aggressive magick. Your email address will not be published. Misuse of these tools can cause more destruction than you bargained for, or backfire with devastating consequences. It helps to insulate a person from negative psychic energy, and having their energy sucked without their consent or cooperation, so it is a favored metal for making amulets. 8 Powerful Crystals For Inner Work. It can give a boost of energy from the elements or send lightning to strike an enemy if properly used. From shop AGAYUSANTERIA. If you find an artifact in a client’s residence or proximity that may be evidence of someone charming or hexing them, you need to know what you’re looking at. This article is a work in progress, so please visit again soon for updates. She is found in the sweet waters of the world, such as streams and rivers. Attracts respect and admiration, provides good luck in court and other legal matters. If you want to make a storm, this is the metal to use. chalk – also called “efun”, it is sacred to all Orishas, and is used for drawing sacred symbols or smeared on the body to honor or show the presence of the Ancestors. Do not buy it for this purpose, but if you happen to be given any uranium glass, vaseline glass, fiestaware, depression glass, etc. So the person may feel they’ve been cursed, but really they’re just being prevented from harming others. 4.5 out of 5 stars 341. porcelain – blue and white Chinese porcelain is used for vessels of Yemaya, and beads are used to make necklaces to honor her. She is the most compassionate and loving of all the Yoruba goddesses, and it is her gentle, healing, supportive, and loving energy that we honor at April’s full moon. You can send us an email if you have any queries. Carving something into chalcedony “sets it in stone” because the engravings tend to last through considerable wear and tear over the years. Learn how your comment data is processed. Orisha Oshun-Oya-Ogun Santeria Bath Crystals | Orisha Oshun-Oya-Ogun Santeria cristales De Baño AGAYUSANTERIA. It is used for protection and healing, but also containment-cursing in situations where a person isn’t to be exactly harmed but prevented from doing something bad that they have a habit of doing. This page has been viewed times since January 1, 2017. I am happy to link to contributors. I generally use a small dish of Australian stones in earthy colours. Slag glass, a byproduct of iron slag, is especially sacred to Ogun, and will bring you the gifts of the Earth. Not only are crystals energetically-rich, but they are also deeply enmeshed with meaning and significance. Porcelain vases, containers, and such are considered as good as clay and carved stone ones, and sometimes bits of broken porcelain ware are used for house blessing and protection. Unlike other crystals, it seems that all shades of olive can help us in our quest for knowledge. ... Goddess Affirmation Candle: 8 oz Natural Soy with Chrysocolla Crystals, Herbs & Essential Oils for Divinity, Wisdom, Power, Admiration & Spirituality for Wiccan, Pagan & Magic Spells & Rituals. Most commonly used for protection and preservation of love. So on the one hand, anhydrite is good for people who travel astrally, make sure that nothing but the kind of energy you want is connected to it when you return. Oshun. She is also the goddess of fertility. The pyramid shape enhances flow of positive and healing energy. Copyright © 2012 - 2020 Luna's Grimoire. It can however, cause greed or “gold fever” if it is acquired from an unethical source. There are dozens of breeds of cat.... For those times when lingering resentment is keeping you from making up with a friend. All Rights Reserved. Oshun is the Yorùbá Orisha (Deity) of the sweet or fresh waters and the goddess of love. nuummite – not used very extensively in Obeah, but gaining popularity as a very powerful dual purpose grounder and magnifier/projector/conductor of energy. This is a special time to find closure after a breakup or to finally get over a past lover. Sea tumbled glass has a lot of Yemaya/Olokun energy in it, though red sea tumbled glass is associated with Exu Mare (Eshu of the sea). Copyright © 2014 Sheloya and respective authors. Thank you for supporting us and respecting our community. Unauthorized reproduction without prior permission is a violation of copyright law. Thank you very much for this educative link. When they are left alone and in their place of origin, an adept in close connection with Ogun can access their power without drawing his anger. The crystals have been energized with the sun and the moon to enhance their purpose and raise their vibration. In the Items category. It is said that Oshun’s father Obatala the first of the among the Gods (similar to the Amen of New Testament Book of Revelations Chapter 1 verse 18.
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